Interested In The Borla Exhaust?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by Sinestra, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Sinestra

    Sinestra Well-Known Member

    So i have received quite a few PM's from those who are interested in the Borla Exhaust for the 2008-2010 Lancers. So i am going to post the info here. First dont be mistaken it is an axel-back even though it says Cat-back on the description. The Exhaust ships straight from Borla.

    Here is what you need to do? has the Borla for 356.95 with free shipping. However they are backordered and say it will be 3 months before they get them in.

    You need to call Todd at and ask him to price match the exhaust against He will do so and place the order for you with the same free shipping and you get a free hat [​IMG] . Just tell him Shaun Harrison referred you he is expecting the calls and welcomes the business and hes a big Mitsu fan. He wont be back in the office till this Sunday however so you wont be able to order Today (Friday or Saturday)

    Here is his contact info

    1 800 874-8888
    Extension: 688

    Mine wont ship till Aug 5th but a little waiting never hurt anyone. Any question PM me.