Injen intake

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by gatzaraki, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    INJEN INTAKE,NEW PICS,love this car bros...
  2. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    looks good brotha
  3. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    looks great man.
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Looking good!!
  5. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    Looks sweet.. liking thoose rims too... hows she sound?
  6. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    you have to roll the window down the hear the sweet sound of that baby... :thin:
  7. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    gatz,are those pics with the cut springs in the front??
  8. midunn

    midunn Well-Known Member

    Off topic
    Gatz but make sure your ribbon on the back of your car doesn't melt to it. I used to have a black SUV with a "Sopport Our Troops" ribbon on in and in the summer time it was so hot that it actually melted the magnet to my tailgate. Ever since then I don't put them on my vehicles.
    On Topic
    Looks real nice bro
  9. Dukekid0987

    Dukekid0987 Well-Known Member

    Where did you get your japanese lincese plate at? i know where to get them but all of there are like meant for hondas and acuras i dont want to put one on there and it mean something like that lol.. and oo what are you holding it on with
  10. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    it's all good bro,the ribbon says ''stop jdm abuse'' :lol: :lol:
  11. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    I don't remember but think was on e-bay,VELCRO, STRONG ASS, VELCRO :D
  12. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    mind if I ask the part # on the intake??? and maybe cost???
  13. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    call speed corps or visit his site^^^$325 i think
  14. V

    V New Member

    what exhaust do you have?
  15. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    this was taken from Injen's website

    Part # SP1835P and if you want black, then you'd take away the P and add "BLK" for the black cold air intake.
  16. Rudye18

    Rudye18 Member


    ok now did you paint the mivec cover or is there a place to get them in different colors.
    lookin good
  17. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    I paint it.comes oem black,here is my apr spliter;
    love it even more :D
  18. sirelancer

    sirelancer Well-Known Member

    looking nice man...gatzaraki you also mentioned in another thread that your 08 was the de model..if so how much did you pay all in all for the gts kit....
  19. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    LOoks like it is a GTS too me. LOok at the mirrors and door handles, on the base models they are not colored keyed.
  20. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\gatz said his car is a DE, the fogs gives it away and his interior doesnt have all the accessories for the bluetooth and audio controls on the steering wheel.