I don't typically post these...BUT (long)

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RedGalant2k1, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Well, I for one usually skim over these types of emails, but I felt it was quite compelling to read, and the information contained should not be skimmed or left lightly. I would ask that you all read this following quoted information and actually do the research behind it to see it is all verified truth and fact. Don't just label it as another crazy conservative post, but look at it seriously, and understand it is not saying he is disqualified, he just hasn't proved he actually is a natural born citizen, and that is of paramount importance to the validity of our Constitution, and our inalienable rights as American Citizens.

    Please be impartial and fair in your comments, and respect the fact that whether you like the man or not is NOT what is in question here. The fact is that he has blocked any and all attempts to legally obtain his vaulted birth certificate.




    Think what you guys will, but it is the most serious issue at hand right now. And I'm glad many of you used your right to vote, or that you exercise your right to opinion, but just know that no matter if he is the nicest man alive, this still means he is willing to subjugate our laws and our methods and that shouldn't and cannot be tolerated.

    There is TOO many fishy things and people surrounding Obama for anyone to call it coincidence. There are too many things he has suppressed in his past or even present to call it non-sequitur or unimportant to the issues at hand. Please respect what the information presents and give it its fair opinion. And know that above all the President (more than anyone else) is supposed to be following the letter of the law (don't cite or criticize Bush to deflect the issue either).

    I hope you all take this seriously and understand the issue at hand and get involved in it, and no finally it isn't a race thing, it is a subjugation of our Nation thing.
  2. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Im not criticizing Bush to deflect the issue, but I believe we don't need another Bush in office. If you can lie to get in office, lord only knows what you'll lie about once your'e there.
  3. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    exactly. If he is legit, just present a birth certificate, is it really something that has to become something so secretive like Obama's wifes thesis?
  4. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to break this to you guys, but he is our next president.... accept it already!!!
  5. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    The really cool thing is that I don't have to accept it, and quite frankly you should be weary that he is ACTIVELY fighting against the release of his long form birth certificate, AND his school records, even his wife's school records and thesis was (and I think still is) trapped from public eyes. Why is that? Are you comfortable with his seeming distaste for our political process and our Constitutional qualifications (that EVERY president) has been subject too.

    Bush put up no fight about his school records, and was even chastised as only being a "C" student. Why can't Obama just be forthcoming like the other 43 presidents?
  6. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Every president since washington has "issues".

    Washington never won a single battle, yet he is a "hero". The crossing of the Delaware... he was running from the Red Coats. Do you want a coward as President????
  7. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    I'd rather have a coward as a president than a person willing to subjugate the Constitution. And Washington fought LOTS of battles, so to say he won none (even if some people say based on incomplete evidence) he surely won many of them. And he sure helped the fledgling United States defeat the British during the Revolutionary War. Washington was far from a coward.
  8. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    Why should he have to layout his whole life in front of the nation to get their support?? Birth certificates, school records, WIFE'S schools records(especially). Why do you need to see these things? Will they make you support him? My guess is no. Being a good president means making decisions that are going to best suit the country. Who are you to say that he cannot do this because of school records or birth certificates.
  9. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    He is the public servant... if there citizines who are doubting his legitmency of the right to be the President he should be open to providing that info... if you have nothing to hide anyway then why not? What can someone get from his birth certificate other then who his parents are and where he was born...
  10. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    No joke. It doesn't matter if he will be a good president and make good decisions if he did not follow the rules of the constitution to become president. If he did,great. If he didn't I personally would like to know. Us Obama non-supporters have the right to know these things. I would think people who voted for him would be as concerned too. Someone who isn't a true native US citizen running our government might have other agendas up their sleeve in these troubled times.
  11. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    For that one to said Obama is our next president and to accepted!! Oh yeah he is hiding something, you have to be a citizen to be president, if he is hiding that fact was next, he won the elections but he is hiding the one fact that will make the elections invalid. Like I said, if he is willing to hide that wait until he get sworn in to the office. Maybe he is the puppet, maybe he is going to let other interest take over and forget to use common sense, and so far I haven't seen that.
  12. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

  13. jc

    jc Well-Known Member

    always taking shots at Obama.. get over it dude..
    hes our PRESIDENT NOW!!
  14. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    the way i see it, it seems that either obama is trying to hide something or he is embarassed of his birth place. and y would someone be embarassed or ashamed of where they were born unless they werent born in the country that they were trying to run for president for... and Hawaii?? is that a serious argument?.. that to me is the biggest photoshop fake i have ever seen!.. y would he not show a birth certificate from hawaii? i bet thousands of people would die to be able to be born in hawaii.. bottom line is is that i think hes hiding something and just cant wait to get sworn in and then he will tell us that "there is something i have to tell u that might disturb you".. then its too late... sorry america yall made the wrong choice on this one....
  15. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Obama is just following in the footsteps of our forefathers. You do realize that the U.S was established by tyranny, lieing, cheating, and stealing right??????
  16. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    i can tell you right now my hawaii birth certificate doesn't look like that. i was born in tripler med center and mine don't look like that.
  17. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    So says the Britsh chaps that got there ass kicked lol...
  18. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    Read the articles and you will know why they don't look the same. You will also see that the state of Hawaii verified that this is a real birth certificate...
  19. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    If he was forthcoming when the accusations came about then yes. However considering his duck and dodge over these and other issues, it is just too questionable to support anything he says or does.

    Well, I guess it is a good thing that the First Amendment still is in effect. That and he is as much our president as Fidel Castro is.
  20. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Correction the COLONIES were established in that sort of manner as a result of the rule of the King of England. The United States itself was founded on a higher set of principles and morals than any other nation in history.

    Actually if we had the long form 'vault' certificate then yes (which McCain provided), and Obama has repeatedly denied to produce and even spent $500,000+ defending his desire not to provide information to verify his legitimacy.

    And whether anyone here likes it or not, we as citizens are OBLIGATED to question our government on a daily basis. They are too listen to the people, not the other way around. And those that usurp the publics ability to get the verification it needs, or follow the laws of the land are not qualified for public office. We citizens who either support or do not support (obama in this case) are within our right to know the details of his life from start to finish.

    Someone whom I'm supposed to put that level of control with I WANT TO KNOW as much of their history as possible. And you guys do realize there are more checks to buy a handgun today than to run for president?