How to: Install OEM Evolution X RECARO seats

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by XxLaNcErGTSxX, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Welcome to another one of my how to's. Today I will be showing you how to install the Evolution X OEM Recaro seats. One way I save money is that I do alot of these installs myself, and try to make the best how to I can so you guys can do the same. With that being said lets get started.

    The whole process took about an 1 1/2.

    Tools needed:
    Socket Wrench
    10mm socket
    14mm socket
    17mm socket
    Wire Cutters

    First thing is to dissconnect the (-) side of the battery

    Second thing is to take the 4 plastic covers on each side of the stock seats off. All you needd to do if pull them off.

    Now I started with the passanger side, because 1st you have more room to work with, and 2ed just in case anything went wrong.

    Third you need to take your 14mm socket and remove the 4 bolts. To remove the passanger right side rear you will need to take your 17mm socket and remove the seat belt.
    Here is the seat belt bolt

    Fourth, now you have to disconnect the airbag, and seat belt sensors under the stock seat. Now you will remove the stock seat. Just tilt it sideways an pull out. It is really light.

    Fith, now you are at the biggest pain on installing these seats. Removing the seat belt clip on the stock seat and replacing it to the RECAROs. You will need to cut the white clip holding the sensor to the seat. The black sensor is the seat belt 1. You need to cut the wire ties that are holding the other wires together. Where the wire goes through the seat there is going to be a white piece of plastic. Take a pair of needle nose pliers and pull it out. It will break, but its okay, you do not need to use it on the RECAROs The black selt belt sensor is near the yellow plug

    Sixth, take the 14mm socket and remove the seat belt clip from the stock seat to the RECARO. When putting it on the RECARO just run the wire in between the rail.

    Seventh place the RECARO seat in the car, attach the sensors and bolt it back down. Remember you have to place all 4 bolts own then you can take your 17mm socket and put back the seat belt bracket.

    Proceed to do the same excact thing on the drivers side, but there will be no seat belt bracket to take off, you will just need to run the wires for the seat belt clip. Reconnect the (-) side of the battery and you are done.

    Note: Your airbag light will come on, you just need to take it to the dealer and have it reset

    Thank you for reading this how to and have a good day
  2. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    lucky you. I really want those seats. I was at the dealership the other day and sat in them....I could of fell asleep
  3. GTS_Lancer

    GTS_Lancer Well-Known Member

    Yeah those are nice seats, and this a great and helpful how to. Too bad i cant afford those! lol They are really nice.
  4. LiX

    LiX Well-Known Member

    Are the Recaro seats adjustable by height (up/down) like those you replaced? I can't see is there an adjusting lever.
  5. mischief

    mischief Well-Known Member

    too bad you didnt take a pic of the amp when u had the drivers seat out. but pretty kool seats.
  6. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Acyually I did, I will post it up
  7. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Here you go
  8. mischief

    mischief Well-Known Member

    AWESOME! THANKS BRO!!! i've always wanted ta take it out and look at it. haha
  9. Mitsu008

    Mitsu008 Well-Known Member

    what type gauge pod is that ? its slightly lower then mine i like 8)
  10. LiX

    LiX Well-Known Member

    Does anybody know ?!
  11. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

  12. medic

    medic Well-Known Member

    Nice!! Did you use the lancer rails or the evo rails? I noticed last time I was at the dealer that the evo seats slid back much farther, and being 6'6" tall the extra room would be a godsend. I also wanted to know about the gauge pod. The ride is looking tightskis!!