How to determine if you have Pzev or Fed Emmisions.

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by FinestGTS, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    This are the easiest methods of finding out if you have a pzev or fed emmisiosn on your 08 lancer.

    The easyiest way is to look under the car if you have a resonator you have a fed car. if you don't have a resonator then you have pzev.

    another easy way is :

    Look at your headers in the back if you see a cat attached right after the header in the engine bay with a o2 sensor connected to it you have PZEV if not you hav fed.

    Another way is :

    The window sticker that comes along with you car from the dealership. On the the top right conner it would say California Emmisions Standard if you have PZEV.

    Those are just simple ways of knowing if you have pzev or not.

    So far ive now that Cali, NJ,NY, and PA carry Pzev. as of now.
  2. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    ^ just to add, CT also only sells PZEV models... a few years back they switched over to the cali standard, so all cars sold in CT must be cali standard.
  3. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    aaa shit wasper we got riped..... o well :argue:
  4. playa213xx

    playa213xx Well-Known Member

    damn man....this whole time i thought i had the 152hp one....what a bummer...
  5. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    No, the easiest way is to look at the sticker on the underside of the hood.
  6. HomieG

    HomieG Well-Known Member

    so the PZEV has less power than the other one?
    u guys kno what the cancadian models are?
  7. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    Federal :D

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    :( WHAT...NOT FAIR.
  9. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    TX is fed
  10. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    True to a point. With it getting harder and harder to find GTSs, car dealerships are having to buy them from out of state dealerships. Therefore, a TX dealership could purchase one from a California dealership. Then you would not have the Fed.
  11. Bladed

    Bladed Member

    MD (Maryland) is also PZEV, unfortunately.