High, Lows, Fogs.

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by tatsujo, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Any recommendations? Xenon, Nokya, Sylvania, Luminics, PIAA, ?

    Looking to change all 3 sets to something cool blue or bright white. No bolt on HID ballasts. Just 9006, 9005, and H11's... Anyone know any good ones? I've heard of Nokya for quite a while.. any other ones you guys can recommend?
  2. HomieG

    HomieG Well-Known Member

    hot Nokya fogs on mine....
    looks sick...
    got pics in the photo gallery....its the white GTS with Ontario plates.
    have the same one's on my mazdaspped6 and 3 series.
    no complaints! :)
  3. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Too each is own on this. I have had PIAAs on my other cars and no complaints but the price.
  4. HomieG

    HomieG Well-Known Member

    ya i paid like 25$ for my nokya's with 3 month warranty...
    good deal...i think...
  5. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    HomieG, your lows look nice, Nokya too? Any chance you can take pictures from the inside cabin to see how it looks like rather than head on? Thanks.

    PIAA, yes I've heard a lot about them too. Anyone got any recommendations on specific ones or anything? Thanks.
  6. HomieG

    HomieG Well-Known Member

    nah low beams are 8000K HID conversion..lol
    jus the fogd r nokya 2500K.
    planning to get my High's 2500K nokya too....
  7. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    My highs and lows are eurolite xenon super plasma. They look good and i paid 54 for both sets. I dont know much about them but i like the look. HAs anyone had these before?
  8. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

  9. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    here is the best i could do man i did not know how hard it would be to take a pic of headlights lol. I also tried a vid hope they work. damn how can upload a pic or vid on here lol. help
  10. egret85

    egret85 Well-Known Member

    I have MTEC 2X Cosmos Blue 4750K bulbs for all 3 sets on my GTS and it looks great. Nice bight blue light, much better and clearer than stock. Can get them at www.automotivelightingusa.com.
  11. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

  12. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Sorry about that AMG but he just wanted to see the lights thats all and i would not place the vendor as to where i got them i would PM him. Again sorry just trying to help others on the site.
  13. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Hey, upload the pictures to www.sixpop.com. Get the link and them post it here... or put them in th IMG tags.

    Click the Img buton above. For videos you have to put the on youtube or something. Let me know I want to see how they look... highs and low if possible.
  14. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

    i don't mind i was just letting everyone else know that i also sell xenon bulbs and HID kits
  15. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

    here is a pic of my boys Honda we did the pictures isn't that great but you can get the idea until i can get better pics. looking at the pic left is the xenon and right is the stock

  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Dont let Bras_33 see the honduh!
  17. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Can any of you guys post pics? That looks pretty cool blue.. but I would like to see some pics from the inside or hood to see the visibility. Thanks.
  18. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I can barely make out the H from the blinding lights. lol
  19. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

    When he comes back by i can take some more outside with the lights on the garage door....But beilve me they have great visability no bluryness!
  20. HomieG

    HomieG Well-Known Member

    These are my 2500k bulbs up close and on at dusk..

    they r pretty nice...looks wicked at nite....its a diff look definately....upto u if u like it or jus go for the regular blue.white bulbs....


    and on at dusk...