Hey, We're new!

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by LancerGTSx2, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. LancerGTSx2

    LancerGTSx2 New Member

    Hello everyone! Crystal and I (Daniel) are new to the site here. We have been active members of 9GLancers.com for a little while now, and I saw this link in the exchange there, so I figured we could check you guys out as well.

    We own two '08 Lancer GTS, one White and one Graphite Grey. We have several mods and more one the way!

    Looking forward to becoming active members here as well!
  2. CLEANrideGTS

    CLEANrideGTS Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site and we are glad that you came!! Post pics and such of your cars... WE LOVE PICS!!!!!! Any questions, one of us is bound to have an answer!!!

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Welcome to LT.
  4. LancerGTSx2

    LancerGTSx2 New Member

    I do have a question.

    My picture links from Photobucket are not coming up in my signature or in my DIY thread...

    any particular reason?
  5. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Welcome to LT.com :)

    That's cool you both have Lancers.... y'know what they say... they couples that mod their cars together...stay together... lmao.

    Unless you're siblings... then just ignore that last part there... ;)
  6. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

    welcome to LT
  7. davidlanceres

    davidlanceres Well-Known Member

  8. HudsonFalcon

    HudsonFalcon Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the forums.
  9. 08CustomLancer

    08CustomLancer Well-Known Member

    welcome, lets see some pics!

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    Welcome to LT.Enjoy. Very cool you both have Lancers. Post those pics.
  11. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    Welcome to LT!! :drunken:
  12. evelution75

    evelution75 Member

    Welcome to the forum you 2, what mods do you have so far, and what plans do you have for the future?