
Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by Payload, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    hi .. my names ben and im from australia, stumbled across the site when i was looking for some info on the new CJ lancer.

    Currently the owner of a CE lancer coupe ( i think you guys called this model the mirage though ours is slightly different ) anyways it is a 1.8l SOHC got lowered springs with adjustable racing shocks, cat back exhaust, 16" alloys and a minor stereo upgrade. Handles great with the upgrades.. was planing on the turbo route considering how impressed i was with how it handled itself though then i saw the new lancer.

    I have an order in for a new 2008 lancer VRX which will be comming around christmas time ( if you didnt know they were only released in aus in october ) so theres still quite a waiting list particularly on the manual VRX's. I could have had an auto sooner but its not the same. Lucky i went in when i did because talking to people who ordered theres a even a few days later have to wait till the next shipment which is expected in mid january.

    anyway its going to be the longest month of my life.. not getting much sleep. Im thinking it will probably be about a year before i get any mods onto it , one so i can get through some of that warranty and 2 because ill be living off bread and water untill its paid off so i have plenty of time to wait for stuff to be released and make some plans. Probably go for some light N/A mods first with the possibility of a turbo down the track depending on what sort of handling i can get out of it. First mod will probably be a set of springs and shocks or some coilovers to get it a little closer to the earth.

    Good to see the lancer is going well in the US, so far its getting the same sort of reception over here so it looks like there are going to be plenty of aftermarket parts around. Thing im really interested in seeing are some big companies like injen making some intake manifolds up because that plastic one would be an issue in a turbo situation i think, and i doubt its very efficient either.

    This site has already helped me out by putting me onto carbon trix.. going to want one of those CF engine covers, always wanted one but never had a car with a cover to replace. Often hard to find them in aus unless you can find somewhere to import them from.
  2. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on the purchase of the VRX...I would love to put that badge on my car instead of the GTS, as it is known in the US. In central america its called the Lancer EX.
  3. cyrus

    cyrus Member

    hello fellow aussie!!! where abouts in oz are u? i'm from brisbane (southside).

    i also have a manual VRX ordered, and i have to wait until january :( what colour did u get? i'm getting red. i currently have a ce mirage (hatchback) with no major mods... just stereo, strut brace, alloys, driving lights.

    its a great site here, i'm sure you'll love it like i do

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    welcome & congrats
  5. pinoyrage

    pinoyrage Well-Known Member

    :) ...welcome fellow mirage owner! i do have a 1.8 mirage here in the US...have you checked RPW there in Aussie yet? most mirage owners here in the US get parts from them...if you need any help on that mirage, let me know... 8)
  6. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    lancer (mirage) is already traded.. except i get to drive it untill my car arives so i wont be touching it at all.

    hey cyrus.. im assuming your the one from MLGA, im on there too under the same username trying to make it through the waiting period. Im from Perth and i was told when i put the order in i was lucky because it was the last one available on that shipment.. it better not fall off in rough seas or something because ill be going to get it.
  7. cyrus

    cyrus Member

    lol yeah i'm also on MLGA! i am kicking myself for not signing the deal whe i first saw the VRX, i would have it by now... but oh well... sheet happens i guess. i don't want to scare you or jinx your vrx, but you'd be surprised how many cars/containers/cargo go missing of the sides of ships. at least they're only coming from Japan so its not that far a journey.
  8. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    welcome home
  9. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Welcome you will like the site post pics when you get her.
  10. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    welcome! 8)
  11. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    yeah going to be doing some major posting on here and MLGA when i get it.. might do a little review with CJ vs CE if i can be bothered.

    yeah i know heaps of stuff drops off ships, they cant strap it down because if they did the whole ship would go over.. its loose a few contrainers vs loose the whole ship. Though in saying that generally cheaper stuff is on the top most expensive stuff is inside the ship depending on what they use it could be one of those ones where they just drive the cars up a ramp and into the boat in which case they are safe. Anyway if it falls off ill be swimming out to get it if i have to.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome and congrats
  13. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member


    I hope you get it soon and can post pics. I would like to know the answer to whether or not your models come with projectors as shown in the pics and vids..
  14. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    i dont think they are projectors.. though to be honest i havent had a really good look at the car. Looking at the brochure only one picture shows projectors and they are a different light configuration and look like they are also HID's. All the other pics and what i saw on the car from memory are just standard reflective headlights. Maybey the new shipment will have them.. doubt it though.
  15. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Hmm.. what is it with Mitsubishi and showing us tons of ads with projectors.. When you find out, keep us posted. :D

    I would also like to wear the VRX badge. :twisted:
  16. Payload

    Payload Well-Known Member

    the thing that anoys me about the pictures compared to the actual car is how high they are. In the pictures in the brochure all the cars appear to have been lowered as the arch is pretty much right on the wheel while the actual car has a good 2 inches between the tyre and the arch, especially at the front.
  17. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member
