hello from ireland

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by Type-R eater, Jan 12, 2009.

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  1. Type-R eater

    Type-R eater Guest

    Just stumbled across this site while i was looking for info on modifying my car.
  2. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Are serious...

    Still trying to spam your site on my site and then have the nerve to pm saying you are not a spammer... :roll:
  3. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member


    To all the n00bs use this as an example...

    READ THE RULES: Click Here

    I have no problem exchanging links and banners... just ask any of the forum links I have on our main portal and any of the forum url's mentioned throught my forum. I am an easy going guy when it comes to this... only thing I ask is you contact me FIRST...

    If you don't I immediatly put you in our flamers usergroup... so you are bright as day... word censor your forum so every time you or anyone else mentions it you get this so that no one knows what the fuck you are talking about...

    ... and won't bother with you so you don't continue to get on my nerves. Keep pressing the subject and still posting your forum without getting the okay from me first then I ban you...

    Simple as that...
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