Hello from Connecticut

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by Wasper, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member


    I was surfing around and came across this nice community you have here and figured I would pop in and say HI!

    Last month my old Hyundai Elantra gave up the ghost, so I had to go out and search for a new vehicle. I was going to buy a new 08' Elantra becuase my old one was very good to me. But, when I went to the dealer and saw the new body style, I was not having it.... so I decided to start looking around for a different car to buy.

    I went to several dealerships and test drove a Mazda 3, Toyota Camary, and a Honda Civic... they were nice cars and I was leaning towards the Mazda 3, but the 36 month/ 3 year warrenty made me check myself. The Elantra I had blew its transmission at 97,687 miles and they replaced it no questions asked... so I decided only to look at new cars with 100,000 mile / 10 year warrentees.

    I did a search online and I saw the 08' Lancer and thought that it was a very sharp looking car. I never even considered a Lancer becuase I never seen one up close. I went the next day to the dealership and took a look at them and was impressed with the features and looks of the car.

    I test drove a white M/T ES model that had the GTS body kit on it, and I also test drove a grey GTS with the CVT. I realy liked the way the GTS hadled and I fell in love with the grey....but I liked the M/T in the ES.. it just seamed more sporty. I asked the dealer to do a search for a grey M/T GTS, but the only one he could find was across the country and that dealer refused to give it up for a dealer trade.

    Since I needed a new car quickly (I commute to work 45 miles each way) , I asked if there was any M/T GTS's in the state. He found an Electric Blue M/T GTS and I went to look at it. I know some will call me crazy.. but I just did'nt like the blue at all... I think if I was 20 again I would have gone for it, but the blue was to "in your face" for me and I decided the Graphite Grey was more "age specific" for myself.

    To make a long story short (I know its already long, lol ) after two nights of "sleeping on it" I decided to go for the graphit grey GTS with the CVT. I can honestly say that after owning it for a month that I dont regret the decission. The initial "weirdness" of having no percivible shift on the CVT wore off and I am now used to it.

    I dont know if I will mod it... I would like to, but I will limit myself to mods that wont void the warrenty.

    Anyway, heres a pic I took today of my car.. shes about 1 month old and has aproxx 1,350 miles on it.



  2. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    Welcome! GG for the win! :D
  3. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on the 08!!!!
  5. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    welcome to the family and i will say everyone here will be a great help to any mods you are thinking of doing post first and the pros will give you their 2 cents for free. Hell even our sponsers help they dont sit in the back ground waiting for you dollars ask them and the.y respond rather quickly. Again welcome i and we all know you will greatly benefit from being part of the family
  6. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome.

    I have been reading the posts on this forum for a couple of days before I actually registed to say hi.

    It seams alot of you guys (and gals?) are from the west coast and I get sad when I read about all of your meets... it sounds real fun.. but not "drive 3,500 miles to get there fun" lol.

    Anyone here from my neck of the woods?
  7. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    I wish i where but nope i is just a east coast Canadian lad we get 4 seasons and the good ones are never long enough. lol Nova Scotia Here
  8. Killface

    Killface Well-Known Member

    Very hot grey!
  9. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    welcome, hope you enjoy and learn as much as i have... 8)
  10. thetaxguy

    thetaxguy Well-Known Member

  11. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    welcome and congrats! 8)
  12. 08SilverES90

    08SilverES90 Well-Known Member

    welcome =]
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Glad to have ya!

    Nice choice!