Headlight High Beam Install - HELP!!

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by DirectorSe7en, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. DirectorSe7en

    DirectorSe7en Well-Known Member

    How the hell do you reach the highbeam bulb? What do I need to remove? I have rather large hands and it's beginning to feel impossible....

    Is there a step by step somwhere? :cry:
  2. DirectorSe7en

    DirectorSe7en Well-Known Member

    Bump. Anyone know how to get the highbeam bulbs out?
  3. DaytonaLancer

    DaytonaLancer Well-Known Member

    What does your owners manual say? It should say how to. In the 9g lancer, you have to unscrew the windshield washer fluid tank and move it to get to the one side. But im sure the layout of the engine bay is much different for you
  4. DirectorSe7en

    DirectorSe7en Well-Known Member

    Yea it's an '08 GTS.....so just remove the washer fluid?
  5. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    yeah its a bitch but jus remember lefty loosey righty tighty but who ever mad the design had no consideration toward us changin the lights its hard but its the window washer