Have you heard about this

Discussion in 'RallyCross, AutoCross, Motorsports' started by GiveMeEvo, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. GiveMeEvo

    GiveMeEvo Active Member

    Their is a petition going around that is for an american autobahn has anyone else heard about this ?
  2. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    I'd go for it! MORE SPEED!
  3. GiveMeEvo

    GiveMeEvo Active Member

    their is a petition going around if you want to know were to find it just ask
  4. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    we had an autobahn once, cops were still on it tho, the speed limit was "within reason". dude was caught doin like 120 and got pulled over for goin over the speed limit, he fought it since within reason really isnt that definite, he won, they put up a real limit, save the time and dont bother with the petition
  5. DaMizZa

    DaMizZa Active Member

    The problem with an autobahn in North America (At least in Saskatchewan for sure) is that people struggle to drive the speed limit ... And I don't mean they drive over the speed limit consistently, and they definately don't understand the concept of slower vehicles keep right. If I were to make an assumption based off observation, it's more like a 'slower vehicles form a line across all lanes and travel at the same speed' mentality. The problem is there are far too many people who are hardly comfortable with going the speed limit on highways, who would continue to travel said speed on any autobahn introduced, leading to a number of very frustrated thrill seekers and high number of accidents caused by young drivers wanting to travel at high speeds, but uncapable of controlling their vehicle at such speeds around slower moving vehicles... Recipe for disaster in North America (or like I said, at least Saskatchewan) :cry:
  6. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    damizza .. that is true but make it straight and make the lanes wider .. do that you only have to keep your steering-wheel on one position .. that isn`t that hard ... but still .. crashing at like 160mph ... that would sucks some big hairy balls =))
  7. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    If americans could drive like europeans do, it would be awesome and would work great! But they don't so it won't! That and highway maintainers and builders in the US don't take any pride in their work so the road surface would suck azz and probably destroy your car in the long run.

    However, have you seen accidents in Germany on the Autobahn? When you rash at 140+ most of your car evaporates or crosses some 4th axis of time and space and disappears into a black hole so there is very little to clean up! lol

    More worried about that crack azz couple from south florida in the left hand lane doing 55 and the driver is 95 in his big boat GM vehicle! FAIL!
  8. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    I live in Germany for 6 years back in the 90's and i did drove constantly on the autobahn at speed over 120mph. In germany back then a drivers licence will cost you about $1,300.00 and over a year at drivers school to learn everything from a oil change to high speed driving. Education will have to be a key issue before we have our own autobahn here, once you crash at high speed you will go thru that black hole and never come back, BTW guard rails in Germany are made of extra strengh steel to keep yuor car from crossing over. :drunken: :drunken:
  9. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    people look at my post, thats the only thing keeping us from getting an autobahn, they had this discussion in a issue of a car magazine, dont have to do with school or the way people drive or any of that bullshit, that can be fixed, may be hard to but that can be fixed, but the whole ticket situation is the problem
  10. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    Dude you aren't saying anything I don't know. Did a couple stents in Germany! FTW!! It is/was my favorite place to drive on the planet! Everyone moves with a purpose and slower cars actually stay to the right or they GTF out of your way! U in the military? I c ur at CHS now! I just left there a few years back! Lived in Summerville area / and out by Trident Hospital!
  11. GiveMeEvo

    GiveMeEvo Active Member

    see but this would only be for the people that are looking for a fast way to get were they want. If someone is going to drive on it they will have to understand that people are going to go much faster than them and to stay in that right lane unless they can keep up
  12. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    Maybe a autobahn toll!
  13. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    although this sounds liek a great idea, it would be soo bad in american. everyone who lives here knows we have people with monkey sh#@ for brains an try to pull some stupid crap an end up gettin themselves in accidents.

    very tru geaux 4 breauxk- you would eventually see some 95 yr old couple on the road an them havin a heart attack bc they havent seen cars go that fast.

    autobahn in america, fun but epic fail!
  14. GiveMeEvo

    GiveMeEvo Active Member

    I can garentee that the auto bahn in europe wasnt perfect at first either. I mean i know their are alot of bad drivers in america but their are also alot in every other country. They should make it so that it isnt so easy to get your lisence over here because you can be half retarted and still get it right now.
  15. jarol220

    jarol220 Well-Known Member

    I signed that shit even if it doesnt get passed it's a good idea.
  16. MonChi

    MonChi Well-Known Member

    zoom zooom zoom oh wait thats mazda screw it lets drive that shit
  17. Ranger026

    Ranger026 Active Member

    Another big issue that will prevent us from having an American Autobahn is the attitude Americans take towards driving. Many people in the States consider driving a right instead of a privalege. That said, people take driving for granted. Like mentioned before, many Americans do not know how to drive. Especially here in Connecicut, the passing lane on the highways is considered "another lane to go 50 mph" in.
    Another big problem is that American drivers are distracted drivers. On my morning commute, I have seen people, eating, talking on the phone, even shaving. Mythbusters did an experiment and they showed that someone who talks on a phone while driving can be a more dangerous driver than someone who drives drunk.
    In Germany, drivers take driving seriously, they are focused on what they are doing: driving. They realize that in order to be safe drivers, they have to pay full attention to what they are doing; not talking on the phone or eating.
    Because of that, America will never get an autobahn, and if they ever establish one...I'll never drive on it.
  18. GiveMeEvo

    GiveMeEvo Active Member

    all they would have to do is change the the rules of getting your license cause their are too many stupid people out their on the road and it would fix many problems
  19. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    oo yeah ... in europe u spend like 1000 dollars just to get your drivers license ... not to talk about the hours that you have to take .. and tests and to learn every fucking little thing about the laws ... signs and even car mechanics .. in case something happens ... those are real drivers .. not to talk about truck drivers .. omg .. still some things need to change .. but the thing here is that you really need a car in order to get anywhere .. and in europe if you fail the written test .. u have to wait another month to take it .. same thing with the drive test ...