Just installed it and i love it. for some reason i feel more planted to the road. not sure if its just that im wanting to feel it or if i really am but either way i love it.
How'd you get it installed? shop or what? how much did they charge? i'm interested in throwing that GTS wing on my black es aswell, just wanted an estimate on a price for installation unless you did i tyourself. in that case good work
looks just like mine except black also. =] the spoiler i was sold me on my car. cuz i couldnt afford the GTS next to it =[
i installed my self so that was free and 130 on ebay. all i got to say is measure 4 times and drill one. once the holes were lined and the spoler was straight i drilled. very nice
to bad you cant go borrow that big a$$ metal spoiler template from the dealer in the install video. haha
holes sealed, with silicone. and that super adhesive tape. And yes the proper paint. just no big templete so it was not an easy install but i got it