Hey guys today I decided to paint my grill and Here is a picture how it turned out! Tell me what you guys think also what can I get so I can tint the headlights ? :roll: any recommendations
If you stare at it for a moment, the front almost seems to have a bit of a Skyline look to it... Bill
You can try using a spray called VHT NIGHT SHADES I used it to tint my taillights on my bike. here it is on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Night-Ni ... enameZWDVW
hey Pinoy I was wondering did you actuall remove the grill or just tape around it? It looks really good.
Grill I myself have been thinking about painting it black and make the star red. I assume its just a matter of some clips and screws. I'll probably do that on the long weekend I'll post it when done.
i have rally red and im not good with pain to if i did that it would look dumb.... i went with black...
Just wondering, how do one spray over the chrome? Do i have to sand the chrome down to the base and than spray the color I want?