Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by IzzyYo, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. IzzyYo

    IzzyYo Active Member

    :eek: Hey guys today I decided to paint my grill and Here is a picture how it turned out! Tell me what you guys think also what can I get so I can tint the headlights ? :roll: any recommendations

    william.jpg :p
  2. angryGTS

    angryGTS Well-Known Member

    Looks good.
  3. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    F'n nice, might want to consider doing that red part of the bumper in between the grills. my $.02
  4. 5speedracer

    5speedracer Active Member

    That looks cool with the red!
  5. WildBill

    WildBill Well-Known Member

    If you stare at it for a moment, the front almost seems to have a bit of a Skyline look to it...

  6. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    too many people have that. i like the way it is.
  7. BabyLee

    BabyLee Well-Known Member

    that looks great....i want it lol
  8. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

  9. ViperF16

    ViperF16 Well-Known Member

    spray? boo i want to find film ... that way i can remove it later.
  10. ThePinoy

    ThePinoy Well-Known Member

    very nice hey guys what about something like this alittle too much?
    l_e8204357fa208b78e4fc73cfcbba5b6f.jpg [/img][/list]
  11. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    ^^many 08 lancers have that. it started off with Showtime in EvoM forums.

    ur car looks purple...
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest


    both cars look good. keep up the good work.
  13. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    hey Pinoy

    I was wondering did you actuall remove the grill or just tape around it? It looks really good.
  14. IzzyYo

    IzzyYo Active Member

    In my case I took it out its really simple
  15. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member


    I myself have been thinking about painting it black and make the star red. I assume its just a matter of some clips and screws. I'll probably do that on the long weekend I'll post it when done.
  16. 5th

    5th Well-Known Member

    i have rally red and im not good with pain to if i did that it would look dumb.... i went with black... :D
  17. ChokingChicken

    ChokingChicken Well-Known Member

    I think i'll wait for a nice cf grill to come out instead of painting over the chrome
  18. ViperF16

    ViperF16 Well-Known Member

    what paint did you use
  19. LancerGT

    LancerGT New Member

    Just wondering, how do one spray over the chrome?
    Do i have to sand the chrome down to the base and than spray the color I want?