So this morning on my way to work a A/C repair van ran a red light and whacked the back end of my car. It goes to show it wasn't my blue car that was cursed... it's me. Anyways, for any Dalasites on here I was heading eastbound on Royal Lane, crossing Abrams road. He was in the far right southbound lane on Abrams Road. He hit the ass end of my car. Needless to say he was wayyyyy past the yellow, all the way into red and then some. He was pretty sure he was gonna get fired; this was his 3rd accident. Frankly I wasn't feeling much pity for him. Here is the carnage. There are some pretty prominent creases in the rear quarter panel. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the panel has to be replaced. Bumper was jammed over, and is sticking out on the drivers side (was hit on passenger side. My trunk barely opens, and was a pain in the ass to get closed.... ughhh. Insurance is gonna have fun with this one.
problem w/ all accidents is... ur car will NEVER be the same, no matter what u do to it ... side note: thats y u don't jump on a green light, i usually wait a sec before i go
So do I. I had crossed 3 lanes of north traffic, a median, and 2 lanes of south traffic. He just wasn't paying attention. And I know the car won't be the same.... I've been down that road before..... My last car was hit as many times as i have fingers Galveston we recommend waiting a good 2 seconds before going... sucks about your car though...find a good repair guy and get a little extra money out of it...
Yeah... may have exaggerated a bit... and not a one was my fault.... Rear ended T-Boned Backed into while driving Rear Ended Side Swiped Rear Ended Hit by a motorcycle Backed into while parked (TOTALED)
Dude I would have strangled that guy. I don't see why people cant just wait 1 more minute for their light to turn green again.