ok so me and anthony met up finally, cruized the strip a little, of course people were like damn look at those hot lancers!!!! here is a small preview from my point of view....Anthony will upload his pics later on.. WOW look that Black Lancer hehehehe, yeah but check out that red one too... hi hihi hihihi they are sooooo cute! Lancer?????WHERE?????
hey jake so i know we where talking about a photoshot a while back... was wondering if we where ever going to do that?
yeah there will be some get together on weekend of NOV 2-4 have one guy coming from other state forget where, plsu anothiny is comign too... i keep u updated
all right thats cool becuase i now have fri and sat off of work now.. so yeah just keep me informed thanks
Nice pics, they look pretty sweet side by side like that. I live in Texas but would love to drive down. Probably in a few months I would not mind doing a meet up there. It would be pretty sick.