Fast Key Malfunction?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by evo_x_gts, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. evo_x_gts

    evo_x_gts Member

    well ,guys!!!

    i just won't you to know DON"T put your fast key beside your IPOD.....its gonna malfunction....u not gonna open your car!!!!....or start!!!

    i hope this help for guys!!!!!.....

    TO: solve this problem !!! use your extra fast key......and bring to the dealership your malfunction key to fix it!!!!!
  2. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    not trying to be mean, but maybe you should review what you wrote before posting it.

    GODZILLA Well-Known Member

    Yah this happened to me about a month ago... now that i think of it this could be true because i had my ipod and my key in the same pocket!!!
  4. Prettyboy

    Prettyboy Well-Known Member

    this happened to me as well and i could not figure out what in the world was going on...but i guess it makes sence now lol