evo x ground FX kit mod?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by blk_out_gts, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. blk_out_gts

    blk_out_gts Well-Known Member

    has anyone tried to get the front lip and side skirts that you can get on the evo x to fit the gts? i want tofind someone to make them fit for me! anyone know ho whard it would be?
  2. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    you can ask kru, he has a shop near where i live, but it wont be FREE.
  3. blk_out_gts

    blk_out_gts Well-Known Member

    yeah ive talk to him but he said hes been crazy busy with maufacture stuff so i want to have some REAL cash flow before i bug him cuz i got some audio ods for him too! thanks tho bro!
  4. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    oooo ok your the one he moentioned to me (he mentioned your name was o dawg or something though), he said you were supposed to have come up here last week, guess you never made it.
  5. blk_out_gts

    blk_out_gts Well-Known Member

    no he told me that his shop wasnt open to the public wrong person i talked to him on myspace... asked if i could get a quote about some custom work! and do you know who could make a custom CF hood for me i have an idea!
  6. MXlou

    MXlou Well-Known Member

    ooooo ok sorry wrong person, yeah i dont know anyone who can do a custom carbon fibre hood for you.
  7. SpeedI2acerX

    SpeedI2acerX Active Member

    i did a lot of research on this. more like photoshop the only problem with trying to fit the front bumper is that the sides stick out. since its abs plastic im pretty sure it can be push in to fit. the lip would be a problem without the original evox bumper. the sideskirts has to match the wide fenders. if your willing to do all that just be the first to get the accolade kit.
  8. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    what if you get the evo x body kit from bodykits.com?
  9. SpeedI2acerX

    SpeedI2acerX Active Member

    ^ haha alright. i wasnt sure which one we were talking about. i wouldnt say its a true evox kit. just look a lot like it. with all the prep work you might have to do, mightest well get the accolade evox conversion kit for a whopping $5000!
  10. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    yeah i highly doubt its exact either.

    Damn thats just too far.

    moded lance > evo x


    Flame me as you wish, i rather customize then try to be something its not.
  11. blk_out_gts

    blk_out_gts Well-Known Member

    yeah i dont want to be something im not witch is why i would like a full front lip and a little more beefy side skirts and honestly most evo x guys wont opt to get the factory lip and what not ya know! and i like them so i wanted to see if i could get some mods done to them but keep some of the style! believe me ill be the first to say im not one to cover up my true being! i mean why hide it!
  12. DirectorSe7en

    DirectorSe7en Well-Known Member

    +1. Don't do an Evo X bodykit.

    Add-ons, yes.....A full sex-change, hell no.
  13. blk_out_gts

    blk_out_gts Well-Known Member

    yeah no i dont want an evo x on a lancer! im not a poser! i just would like a full front lip really thats the big thing cuz i dont really want to just put on a front spoiler its to easy but i just might do it anyways! i just want a custom front lip and i dont know how to get one made!