This is what I am thinking of doing, I am thinking of buying a used 2008 lancer gts ecu and have that flash for higher performance and swap it with my stock ecu, but I have a lot of question about this whole procedure/process. First thing is how many places are there that does flash ecu for lancer? Second would there be any problems with swapping in with a different 2008 lancer ecu? Third is there more then 1 computer in the car like Engine Controler unit that might cause problem between use and swapping of the ecu or is everything in the ecu? The reason i want to get a second ecu for flashing is because i live in CA and every 1 know CA have the most strictess law about smogging and the original stock ecu would be for smogging use only. Anything you guys tell me about the car would be of great help, thanks in advance.
update i got some views so i am guessing know 1 knows or no 1 is willing to tell me, lol I already know WORKS does ECU/ECM flashing so i already send them a email this is the response i got, > You cannot 'swap' ECU's, because each ECU is coded uniquely > to each car. > You would have to have one or the other but, not both. > > As for the HP and TQ gains on 87octane you may see up to > 10hp depending > on the mods you have on the car. Now you do not mention if > you are > looking at whp or not so its hard to say, we have seen > about 165-170whp > from a bone stock GTS with a WORKS flash add an air filter > and reflash > and you may see 175whp or a little better, maybe. Add a > cat-back exhaust > and you may see another 5-7whp. Which in total may get you > up to the > number you are looking for. Also I ask does it pass smog in CA state with the flash and they say yes, so that is a plus right there. I also found a site call does anyone know is their is any good and does it pass anykind of emission test, or is it any good? So far they haven't responded to my email about being detected by dealership or or computer for smog testing. I like to know is there any other places i can check that also does ecu/ecm flash? All inputs and thoughts are welcome doesn't matter if it is good or bad.
You can not use another vehicles ECU in your ride its coded specially for VIN number of that particular vehicle. Only Mitsu can recode it and they wont do it. I understand what you are trying to do but its honestly unrealistic. You are better off just getting your bolt ons squared away and getting a tune. That is the easiest route.
Nothing wrong with hoping and dreaming mate. I'm in the same boat. Between the intake and full cat back I'm around 160-170 whp. Not much compared to the cars I'm going up against, but I still have the element of surprise. I'm usually one to say "go for it" however in this case scenario, I'll agree and say your better off doing bolt ons, then some engine work ie: cams (no pistons) or if you REALLY want to get crazy swap out the 4B11T into the car. Too many people assume the motor is the same aside from the internals and turbo, but they don't realize the design is also different. The deck is semi-closed as opposed to the 4B11, the angles of the cam lobes are different, piston sizes are different. Tuning would be in one of two directions: stand alone ECU or piggy back. For those going for performance gains that are not that significant, then a piggyback is often times sufficient. If your building a track car strictly for track....standalone is the way to go. It's all dollars and cents in the end. Knowing what your doing and doing it yourself saves a lot of money in overhead, so get to the books and start reading, and DON'T be afraid to take the car apart and pull things's the only way to learn anything.