Door Handles

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by BabyLee, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. BabyLee

    BabyLee Well-Known Member

    Hey Everyone......i know this is a stupid question....but i have a DE n i HATE my black handles.......does n e one know if i can either paint my handles or just buy the painted ones n hook them up 2 my car......i am almost repulsed looking at my car n feel i cant do n e thing 2 it cuz its still gunna look like a kmart brand with the black handles..........thanx
  2. Austin

    Austin Well-Known Member

    im sure u can, ill brb with a double check
  3. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    damn.. uh.. talk to mitsu..
  4. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    just paint them bro :twisted:
  5. Austin

    Austin Well-Known Member

    handles can be painted, but u gota be careful to use the right paint and amount of it will look worse then the black ones lol
  6. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member


    also hopefully the paint matches lol or it'll look sketchy and flake off EASY.

    i'd just go to mitsu(even though i'd so much rather go a ghetto shop then the dealer) and see what you can do about the color :D
  7. BabyLee

    BabyLee Well-Known Member

    Thanx just sayin i would rather not paint them for that reason only....i dont want it 2 look like shyt so thats y i was wondering if n e one knew where i could get the handles painted already....ill take 2 mitsu 2morrow n see but they will prolly charge me n arm n a leg n dick me over......but i guess i gotta do wut i gotta do......
  8. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    yeah thats why i said i rather go to a ghetto shop then the dealer, but i mean atlest get an idea of what they charge..
  9. BabyLee

    BabyLee Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone...thanx but i talked 2 the dealer n he said the painted pieces with the extention thingies w/ tax is gunna be itll be a while but its worth it so ill look around for other places but i guess ill just have 2 save up 4 those
  10. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\ Some of the smaller paint shops can do it for a lot less but may sacrifice quality.
  11. BabyLee

    BabyLee Well-Known Member

    yea i hear a chick so i rather just buy the pretty ones already done lol.....i dont know much about where 2 go n how much 2 pay cuz i always feel like im gettin ripped off or taken advantage of
  12. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    LOL @ the pretty ones

    Most likely you can find them at the dealer, but be prepared to pay.

    try here:

    or you can always google it.
  13. Austin

    Austin Well-Known Member

    dont do macco!
  14. razo

    razo Member

    i love my black door handles on my WW! :D
  15. sxk122

    sxk122 Member

    Not true.

    Depends on the maaco. some are better than others. and if you go in for the $199 paintjob full car paintjob, dont expect an OEM finish. Pay a bit more, but less than some independant shops and you can get really nice results.

    I deal with a maaco here in dallas owned by a friend and his shop does great work.

    examples; my last car--

