Does AC kill your car?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by xXBrutalXx, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    man i flip the AC on in this car and it's like i shut half the engine off. usually on the way home from work i can get my MPG gauge up to about 30-31. with the AC on i struggle to get over 23mpg. Ive never had a car that the Air conditioning affected more than this one. Is everyone elses the same?
  2. jc

    jc Well-Known Member

    nope same here.. the car is already underpowered and as soon as i turn the AC on it feels as if my car is only pushing 100hp.. :lol:
  3. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    atleast im not the only one
  4. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    If you are running an Auto it will hurt you more than a Manual. AC uses up power to run which results in less gas milage and less horsepower.
  5. gtsrunner3

    gtsrunner3 Member

    he's right thats why when mitsubishi/subaru came out w/ the original evo's and STI's there wasnt a radio and there wasnt A/C b/c it was a waste of power
  6. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    i was seriously just wondering this. when you turn it on i can hear it lag a lil. or i'm crazy.
  7. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Doesn't matter if its manual or automatic, it still drains power. It may be less noticeable on a manual simply because of less parasitic loss in the drivetrain, but its there believe me.

    Its normal on low power cars. The AC is a power draining system. The larger or more powerful the engine the less noticeable the drag the AC puts on the engine is.
  8. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Solution: Roll your windows down or open the sun roof.

    that's what I do! :lol:
  9. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    no ill probably pass out, lol i work in 35 degrees all day then walk outside and it's 100. thats what i do on regular days but not the real hot ones.
  10. azn_ghetto

    azn_ghetto Well-Known Member

    yup iv noticed that as well
    as soon as i have the AC on i can feel the decrease in hp

    but that can b said about any car really

    my solution to that:

    an APEXi Grounding system :lol:

    its a grounding system plus voltage stabilizer

    ever since iv gotten it i dont feel that decrease in hp even with the AC on

    iv had it on for about almost a yr now and even though alot of ppl say it doesnt do anything to an NA car, but honestly i can tell there is a difference, and trust me...... it helps
  11. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    It does waste your gas, tested on Mythbusters. So, when it's real hot put your windows down, it will save your gas...
  12. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Though with additional drag created with your windows down at highway speed (55mph+) its more gas efficient to roll with A/c and windows up.
  13. evoracer

    evoracer Well-Known Member

  14. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    actually i think it's over 45 mph where AC becomes more fuel efficient... it might be 35... forgot which, but i think 45
  15. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    /\true that,at normal driving speed(55)it is more efficient to use the A/C,becuase of the drag with the windows i also watched that episode.
  16. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Man i just noticed that myself we have a much more varied climate on the East coast and AC isnt required as much but Damn!! turned it on and right away lost 10 km on the tank and the car was even less responsive. Oh well what can we do eh!
  17. eg6motion

    eg6motion Well-Known Member

    its usually more noticeable on a manual because you don't have a torque converter. In my CVT lancer I hardly noticed AC on or Off except if I tried to get into higher RPM's. AC sucks when you have no torque or little torque.
  18. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    I just took a 250+ mile trip to vegas just a couple days ago.

    AC running, lots of baggage, and four people. and i got 27 miles to the gallon.

    Without all that crap i know i'd be hittin' 30 faily easily.

    5speed, intake, piggy, pully, exhaust, headers.
  19. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    Shut up!! Whatever!! No just kidding. I hope you won enough playing texas holdem to pay her off and get a RalliArt lol. I would have all of those myself but shipping from Cali is way too much.
  20. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    you may or may not believe me, but im so over and bored with vegas that i didnt even gamble one dollar. I only drank (heavily) and ate (heavily) hahahah

    My gf wanted to go, so we went. Then another couple wanted to go with us, so they came along. And brought enough baggage that it almost looked like they were moving. Sorta irked me because i was thinking they'd kill my freakin gas mileage. But to my surpise, im still high 20's and 30's are possible :D But i saw PLENTY of hotties. good god