Decal Question

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by TClife, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. TClife

    TClife Member

    Im Getting Decals On My 08 Lancer And This Is What Im Thinking I Made it My Self. What Do You Guys Think ?

  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    looks like that took a bit of effort. what with the rims and all. Nice job

    Having said that i personally would not put that on my car.

  3. TClife

    TClife Member

    I Just Cant Find Vinyls I Like And I Have Not Seen Many Lancers with Graphics On Them Any One Have Any Ideas??????
  4. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    do you happen to know someone who can "create" designs for you?

    or are you more-less kinda looking for some layouts that are already pre-made?

    The look isn't bad it's just something i wouldn't do. If it was ugly i'd tell ya. :p
  5. TClife

    TClife Member

    i know someone that does them but im looking for ideas for him even if i could find a premade one that he could put on for me
  6. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    so let's start brainstorming a bit. First off. what's the deal with the city sky-line look? Did you see this on another car? Is it like a repsentation of your city or something? What kinda things were you thinkin?
  7. TClife

    TClife Member

    ok well me and my wife are from a small town and we both love new york and we just moved to the twin cities. It represents a new town and a new beginning on life for both of us. so yeah we like the city look.
  8. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    try fillin in the buildings with black
  9. TClife

    TClife Member

    well i was going to do it in CF and the lines where going to be about 1/2 inch thick. and i didnt wanna black out the bottom of the car.
  10. TClife

    TClife Member

    but im open to ideas if anyone has any?????
  11. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    actually do the new york skyline, like as realistic as possible, do the buildings in black, add windows and doors, have a sky in midnight blue, and stars in white, i know, its a bit more complicated but i think itd look awesome, now to think about it, i kinda wish i had the money to do it right now
  12. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    ummmmmmmm...NO...IMO that looks lame, you might as well put ninja robot sharks on there with lambo doors and spinners!!! try: to get some ideas.
  13. TClife

    TClife Member

    on decalfx i might do the kit #1046 in carbon fiber
  14. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    i actually kinda like the city thing. I would say something with the Twin Towers in it.

    definitely original
  15. DaytonaLancer

    DaytonaLancer Well-Known Member

    Yea, you gotta give him credit for trying to do his own thing, instead of just buying a set of vinyl off a website. I say if you like it, and you can get a pretty good design going, def do it. It will turn heads none the less.
  16. Sollis

    Sollis Active Member

    The first picture you did up just seems weird with it just being line art. I mean when I see a city outline on a shirt/poster/web/whatever its always been a solid color with possibly the windows cut out but usually it was fully shaded buildings. It just seems too little for the size if that makes any sense usually when I see decal stuff its either very minimalist (think small company logos) or very extreme like over the top and very different that makes it extremely unique.
    If you don't want the bottom darkened what about inverting it? Granted this is really extreme haha but what if the whole top of the car was in CF and you could make the back line match up with the bumper so you could then swap out the hood and trunk for CF versions to fully sell it instead of just decals well if you wanted to go that crazy. Here's a quick PS of my idea.

    Are you trying to just go for a decal look or did you want it to mean something? The kit #1046 looks nice, very ricey hehe probably something I'd put on a car in Forza 2 but I wouldn't do it to my car. I think it would be best if you went with something that had some meaning or represented you in some fashion, if the tribal thing means something to you then cool but it just seemed like in your other posts the point of the skyline idea was because it meant something not only to you but also your wife.

    I also like pimpinfern's idea it would give the image a lot more depth and emotion.
  17. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    lol u up for tryin to photoshop my idea
  18. Keeeent

    Keeeent Well-Known Member

    idk, looks kinda funky.
  19. TClife

    TClife Member

    Wife~ K. Like the design but just a little to much. We were thinking about doing solid CF to the bottom of the doors, and leave our original color on the side sills. Suggestions on how to finish the bummer? My husband is going to make a picuture later 2nite.
  20. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Bummer? You meant bumper.

    CF it possibly or just leave it the way it is.