I just spoke with Rob at RRM and he says that the cvt piggy will be done next week!! im very excited and I am going to purchase it quickly.
who ever has the piggy for the 5sp already should do a pictorial ( good one no cellphone shots) and a write up a tutorial with correct color coding in the knowledge section... i dont know shit about electronics, i will need all the help i can get. but yes i already have money on stand by for all that. and alreay saving up for turbo, i plan ahead and fuck the warranty, i wanna have fun hahahahha...jk 8)
Rob said next week because im going to be the hero for CVT's and im letting them use my car for it. Thats why, hahaha better thank me. I think im doing it on saturday. ill get u guys pics and a review
i recieved an email today from rob. I asked him what kind of gains and price will we be looking at from the piggy his exact words were "Figure about 6 ftb of torque everywhere! Same price as 5 speed." im so excited about it!