orginal and maybe new CLT members :wink: anyone up for it i know it might be raining for the next few days but it would be nice for input and people who would want to go +dates im pretty tight with my scedual since everyone needs tires but ill try to get out or we can do a night meet
im thinking soon but i wouldnt do this unless the orig5 will goo including pinoy im not sure how peoples scedual are looking to me you guys usally have weekend off am i right?
monday? sunday? upcoming... what do you think i know its kinda short notice but thats mee and thats how we do in the CLT
lol "old newbs" nice. by-the-way. not too sure i'd be down with Turnbull anyways. that place is MADD far from where i live.
too lazy to walk up the hill? haha i saw a grey 08 on the bottem by the highschool a while ago was that you?
coulda been. i have to pass by the high school all the time if i ever wanna hit up my girl or freinds' houses.
well now and days i see more and more 08's its pretty intense but there usally old ladies glad i didnt get an old ladie color RR FTW