can i use a K&N drop in filter air filter cleaner and air filter oil kit on WORKS drop in air filter? or can i just wash/rinse the WORKS filter with just water? and do we really need to apply oil on to the filter?
Im sure it wont hurt anything. I don't know about the oil part. Check with works and see how they clean there filters. You can use everything else from the k&n kit just don't know about the oil part. Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
to be honest my buddy has a k&n drop in and he just buys a new drop in every year cuz they are really cheap
what you mean by wet or dry? both k&n and works have a cleaning solution spray bottle and a re-oil spray bottle. I am just wondering can I use the k&n spray bottles on works drop in filter and would it cause any damage to the engine or works filter? because k&n cleaning kit is much cheaper
I doubt it. A cleaning kit is a cleaning kit. I'm sure it's all really the same stuff, just different names on the bottles. But, that's just the skepticism in me. Lol.