Body kit opinions???

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by darklancer, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

  2. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    I like it... but I think that it might look a little weird without the side/back matching, in height that is.
  3. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Please dont do it...

    whats wrong about the awesome stock look?
  4. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    +1. Well, stock plus the GTS kit and a front end wind splitter would do it for me.
  5. hockygoalie41

    hockygoalie41 Well-Known Member

    if you decide on getting that i have a bomber bumper painted apex silver, i ordered a evo x front bumper from bodykits but they sent me the wrong one and ive never heard back from them on returning it. but,, if you want it we can work out a deal im sure
  6. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    whats the bomber bumperlook like ???
    i meh stock is stock and i see my car everyday driving on the road aperintly everyone in this city likes my car lolz so i wana make it ...individual you know what i mean
  7. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    youd think they sold the whole kit not just the front bumper?
  8. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    25-50% of the people here will tell u it looks too ricey... at least thats what a lot have said on other threds, but i personally like it... though idk, i think it'll look naked w/ just the front bumper... but personally actually... i'd like the stock bumper w/ a full lip best...
  9. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Dont do it half ass, get the whole or not at all. But in the end, its how you like it.
  10. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    lol found the same lip online for 800 bucks WAJ anywasy....whats wrong with ricey?? just sayin? yea i agree bryn and bras i think it would look half assed but i dont like any of their full body kits and well whats the point of getting the exact same one as KRU?? lol ill keep looking i found one i kinda like but in fine print its said evo body only pissed but me sugestions on better places ...or other places.... to look?
  11. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    whats right about it? Bodykits are good, IF its done right. KRUs and nemo420s are done right bcuz they actually took the time to get it done by pros. Not by some fast and the furious fool who thinks they can save some cash by doing it themselves and thinking its the SHIT!!! How many cars do you see out there that is done half ass, not even painted, not line up right, stuck on by zip ties and rivets, rolling on stock?
  12. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    i agree with that i mean if your gunna do it do it right....

    on a side note

    how bout getting sponsored how do you go about doing that? i live in calgary do i need to fix my car up and then get sponsored or let some shop have at her with my car and what ever they do they do... or i get the body parts and just rock their labels.... or am i completly off the track and have no idea what im talking about wich i am perfectly fine with admiting...hence asking
  13. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Just talk and ask around to whom you would like to be sponsored. PM KRU and nemo420, I am sure they can help you.
  14. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    :D thanks bras
  15. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    thats what I do-TheGoderator
  16. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member

    I would say dont do it, this bumper doesnt go with the Lancer looks, it would look better on a civic or something like that but please dont do it to the lancer, if you want your car to look different then go for this >> ... 1&no=15061
  17. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    how do you get that? i want something basic and easy like that, but i also want to be different than the GTS. i want something i can buy paint and put on. not buy, fabricate, fabricate some more, paint , then put on.
  18. Invincible

    Invincible Well-Known Member