Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by aussie027, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. aussie027

    aussie027 Member

    Hi Everyone,
    I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem with their Bluetooth system??

    Below is a description of the problem given to Dealer and Mitsu. They replaced the entire Bluetooth module yesterday and a few tries after reinstalling my phone and phonebook seemed OK.
    I will keep trying it whenever I drive the car.

    For half of 2008 the problem would occur approx 70- 80% of the time the system was used, in the past few months it has been every time the system is used.

    There is only 1 phone connected to the system and this same phone has been deleted and reinstalled on numerous occasions in attempt to correct the problem. Voice training was completed on the system and made absolutely no difference to the symptoms.

    A friend who also owns a 5speed VRX, 2008 model year is having the exact same symptoms.

    The Problem

    Start car and phone connects normally. The phone is constantly connected to system from initial start up when the following problem occursâ€â€

    Press Talk button and give command- CALL (NAME) as stored in cars phonebook.
    System will not recognise name given but will respond with a random number usually 2-3 digits, sometimes with a hash symbol.
    On a very rare occasion the number is over 10 digits long.
    When asked for verification say NO and repeat CALL (NAME) same name or any other name in the cars phonebook and get the same result, ie random numbers.
    Can repeat this cycle endlessly with the same results.
    CANCEL and press HANG UP button to deactivate system.

    Press TALK button to reactivate system.

    Repeat, with the first command being CALL (NAME) and the system will correctly identify every name spoken stored in car phonebook immediately.

    If the DIAL command is given along with the number to call the system will usually recognise this correctly on either the first or second system activation.

    The problem is consistently with the CALL (NAME) command only on 1st attempt to activate and use system after the phone is first connected.

    On rare occasions the Bluetooth system will not connect to the phone when the car is started. On restarting the car it will connect immediately.
    Apart from these problems the system normally functions correctly.
  2. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    i have that kind of problem...i really hate when 2 becomes 6 and 4 becomes 5...its really dealer dont want to take responsibilty for that kind of errors though...they told me its just human error...i didnt bother with it anymore...
  3. blackeyed

    blackeyed Well-Known Member

    yes I have the same thing and was wondering am I the only one but I guess no. the thing u can do is when it gets it wrong first time say cancel instead of no and then it returns to main menu and then say again call .... otherwise if u say no u can spend whole evening arguing with the machine :) after canceling, second time it usually gets it. i dont know why it does not get it first time. sometimes it helps when u wait a little bit after the beap.... i have also tried saying just "call" without name, normaly it should ask, "say the name please" but again it says dial..... so i guess dial is priority one :)
  4. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    The only problem I ever had was I'd say "Call Mom" and it'd be like "Call Kyle Warner, is this correct?" LOL And when I got a new phone it wouldn't connect AT ALL. But now I got my BlackBerry hooked up to it and it works fine.
  5. brads09lancerGTS

    brads09lancerGTS Active Member

    My bluetooth is screwed up too but in a diff way. I don't know if anybody else has this problem but when I make a call or answer a call it is usually set at 20 volume. But about 60-70% of the time when I call or answer the bt will automatically turn it self to max(45 I think it is) and blast my ear drums. I never know when it will happen. I took it to the mits dealer and they said it was cause my phone wasn't compatible with bt. I then called mits motors and they said my phone was on the compatible list but I must be turning up the volume myself. They refuse to replace my bluetooth module and I even took it to the dealer again and got the service manager to set up his black berry to my car and it did the same thing. They still won't do anything about it so I can't even use my bt anymore.