Black/Brown spots on Rims - HELP!!

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by Mpitera, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. Mpitera

    Mpitera Well-Known Member

    Alright so I was cleaning my car on Sunday and noticed that I have alot of little Brown/Black spots on my Chrome rims...I dont believe it rust because I can pick them off if I use my nail and a Microfiber cloth. The only thing is there is a shit load of them. I've tried to scrub them with the cloth using soap or DW-40 but they dont come off....Does anyone has any suggestions on how to get them off? One of my buddy's suggested Mr. Cleans magic eraser but I have yet to try it. If all esle fails, I will be sitting all morning on Sat picking these shits

  2. carter RR

    carter RR Active Member

    goo gone usually works for me when I have them on my car, just make sure you do the goo gone then wash.
  3. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Looks like road tar to me. I have a few of them every time I wash. I tried just using a micro, but they just smeared all over. I mix up some Purple Power at about a 2:1 ratio...comes right off.
  4. Mpitera

    Mpitera Well-Known Member

  5. gb21

    gb21 Member

    I drive a white gts and I noticed a bunch of little orange dots all over the place.
    I plan on taking it to the dealer to see whats up cause its annoying.
    anyone else got this problem? any ideas?
  6. Roofus

    Roofus Well-Known Member

    gb21 could be road paint. a truck sprayin stripes drove past my mom a few years back and spattered orange all over her jetta
  7. 9GLancer

    9GLancer Member

    gb21 I had the same stuff on my car...i used a lot of bug/tar remover and most of it came gettin mine detailed so i'll see if it all comes off...the dealership has this stuff that they use that takes it right off
  8. Mpitera

    Mpitera Well-Known Member

    well then i think we need to find out what this "stuff" is and how we can get our hands on it. lol
  9. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    We need some spies to go into the dealer and do some recon. Lol. On my old rims, I had a lot of this road tar and such. Never really tried to get it off or anything though.
  10. furyschild

    furyschild Member

    its brake dust from the metallic pads that are used on your cars.
  11. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Looking at the pictures again, I realized mine didn't really look like that too much. There were more of them, and they were more pronounced.
  12. gb21

    gb21 Member

    yeah i plan on going to the dealership now and getting that "stuff."
    it's not bad or noticeable from far away its just annoying.
    I appreciate the help, thanks guys