what is the best way to change my rims to black? I know painting them could work but it just won't look as nice.
congrats, u just totally mindfucked me, ure title is askin whats the best way to paint rims, and ure askin whats the best way to change ure rims to black and u know that u can paint them but they just wont look as nice, i guess u could do viny but that would be a bitchm or take an octopuss and squeeze its ink on it, try dunkin them in used oil? please clarify
ok wait.. i know he souned really confused but i wanna know... powdercoating is that way to go right? even if i wanna paint mine white?
I went ahead and painted them. I roughed them up with some scotchbright and then painted them. took a really long time but I made sure I did it as good as possible Let me know what you guys think!