I want the white leds to replace my license plate bulbs, dome light, and parking light. I want to replace the reverse light as well but I just dont think it will be very bright when it comes to me needing to back up. Is there a good store I can order them all from or should I just get them from ebay?
Its funny cause I have had LEDs on my car for over a year now and they are still kicking... AutoMoGlow can hook you up
Yeah I always thought that leds lasted longer, I guess he might have had bad bulbs, or the wrong wattage/strength whatever it may be. Thanks for the tip eKtor and Keeeent I will look into them right now.
Well under the store items at the retro solutions website I couldnt find the individual leds I need, and automoglow.com kept trying to foward me to there forum unless I quickly clicked on something on there webpage which the link to there single leds isnt working. Im going to PM automoglow and see what he says.
i bought my led lights at v-leds.com my dome light, license plate, trunk light, drl are leds and all WHITE! all of them are bright as fuck.