Been a member for years, but.

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by scaldwellk, Aug 15, 2011.

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  1. scaldwellk

    scaldwellk Member

    I have been a member for years and was looking to trade an item. Since I do not have the 50 posts that is required I will be posting things such as nice or looking good to get my post up to 50. I do not want to be a troll, but I want to be able to sell or trade when needed also. I am not here to cheat anyone. I just want to trade the item I have for what I want.

  2. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, this idea of yours is still against the rules. You can't go around bumping threads or specifically dead threads just to reach your minimum post count. Yes it shows that you have been a member since July of 2009 but you have no credibility here and I would not like to risk my other members here for that. How would you like it if someone you didnt know sold you an item but meet the requirements to sell something to you and then stole your money. Us as mods/admins cannot get your money back for you. Which is the only one drawback to selling on forums. When I sell an item I always provide a pic of the item with the required details stated in the fs rules. I also, if I want to expand to other sites all at one time and want to make a quick sale, post it on ebay and provide a link to the sale on ebay. I am more than verified on ebay and anyone would be able to see that I have been on there for years buying and selling things so there is no issues with my credibility.

    I am however going to have to remove some of your post in which the mod/admin team thinks to be non-legit. I cannot condone to this as it breaks the rules. If another mod member would like to chime in then please do. I wont give you any infractions or anything like that. Just that this is a warning to any and everyone who would attempt to do this method.

    Thank you and sorry for being so long and delayed with my response.
  3. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    why would you even post this? lol
  4. Helix

    Helix Wants Recaros

    Bad idea.
  5. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Jogen said it perfectly. A safer way for you and any members you sell to would be through eBay or something along those lines. We haven't really had any major problems with people selling things in the past, and we'd like to keep it that way.
  6. scaldwellk

    scaldwellk Member

    So you are saying I am here to steal? How dare you. I posted this so no one would get mad and I would be up front about things. I have never stole anything even though I have been cheated. Two wrongs do not make a right. I understand your rules, but this makes me really question myself and this place right now. I have worked on cars my entire life and never ran into anything like this. Why can't I offer up a trade??? It was an even trade for something. Excuse me for having other things to do then to be on here all the time to have post counts. I gave compliments and such with the posts I put up. How is that wrong I ask? Would you rather I tell people lies here and say their cars are junk? I can not lie, so if they have a nice ride I will tell then it is nice. Shaking head thinking waht the heck here.
  7. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    Im not saying that you are here to steal anything or con anyone. Im just saying that Ive been up here for 2 years and have yet to see you post anything. I looked at one of your threads way back when and the only person I saw reply was Lancer2Quick. Not trying to toss him under a bus, but I personally do not know you so I can not bend the rule for you to sell or trade your item. Especially when you didn't post a pic with your name and date. This is my neutral standpoint as a moderator.

    I've only locked your thread. I havent deleted it even though that is within my rules set for me. Im bending that rule for you. You can get your post count the legit way. Post whoring to get to your required post to sell things is against any forum I have ever been on and is the same here. Your post is still available for viewing so anyone who really wants to take the risk with you is still able to. I only closed it until your reached that count. Its been the same with 2 others that have attempted to do so in the past. I can be the bad cop and move your thread so no one can see it until you get that post count. But Im not evil. I left it up there so others can see that you want to sell it but you are not able to sell it because you do not meet requirements. It is up to them to choose to pm you over this item. Im being very leniant. Others would send you a warning and remove it. This is your warning without infraction. Please abide by the rules that have been set forth.

    Thank you,

    p.s. If you go to other sites such as nasioc or evom you will see similar if not the same rules applied. Get to 50 legitly and it will be unlocked. Then you can edit your f/t thread with a picture showing username and date and state in the post an accurate description stating miles reading on the odometer and if its a straight trade or trade for item with cash or what have you.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  8. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm am putting a stop to this. This is the bottom arguments, debating, etc:

    Scald, I understand that you have been a member here on LT for a while now....there's no arguing that. You say that every time the site was modified or updated, you lost your original post count. That is not unheard happens. What you should have done is contact a moderator or admin about losing your post count. If, in fact, your post count did reset to would have been corrected.

    As for Jogen saying that you are here to steal/cheat/con someone....he didn't do that. He was simply stating that the forum rules are in place to help prevent that from happening here on LT. Every new member is welcomed like the one before. Every new member is considered an honest car enthusiast here to share or gain knowledge. Every member is treated fairly and with respect until a deliberate failure to follow rules or that person disrespects another member.

    Jogen has handled this situation the way that a moderator should. He has explained the forum rules, and used his personal judgement in this issue. I have read every post related to this and in no way has he deliberately belittled you or even hinted that you were here with malicious intent.

    Your post will be locked and deleted by me...and any further discussions or issues you may have with Jogen or myself, you can reach us via PM or e-mail. If you choose to disregard this message and heed these warnings, you will be permanantly banned from

    LT Admin
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