Another Newbie

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by steelhumm, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member

    Hi All, been reading for awhile and thought I would start posting. Some of you may recognize my screenname as I am the Admin for the Streetglow message boards. I know we have a few lancers over there.
  2. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member if I can just get my signature pic to work here..

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    hey whats up, we have few rules to follow here, as you may have them on your board, please follow them Enjoy the site and welcome to if you want to become a supporting vendor on our forur, or exchange banners and links, please contact prophet.

    Thanks staff
  4. steelhumm

    steelhumm Well-Known Member

    hey Jake, I'm not advertising anything, just letting members know why my name might look familiar, and trying to extend a friendly hello.

    I edited my post Jake, sorry bout that...didn't notice you had automoglow as a vendor :wink:

    RALLIART Well-Known Member
