Is it possible to convert the DRLs from the headlight to angel eyes? This, of course, is after I remove the headlight casing and install angel eyes. also, could I still use the OEM light bulb if I install projectors? or do I need to get some HIDs?
I know i was reading on another forum that it was possible to wire the AE as DRL it didnt explain how. But as for projectors idk about that, but is the point of getting projectors to make ur HIDs better?
Well, I want to know cuz I don't like the look of HID's in a reflective setting. To me, it just looks like some put some newer bulbs in. I'm wondering if I need to get everything at one time or if I can get the projectors and AE then get the HID's. I'll probably do more than just projectors and AE cause I'm looking online at some crazy stuff people have done with LEDs too. replace the turns with an LED setup and such
It is possible to convert the DRLs to Angel Eyes, but you have to follow my directions exactly. What you need is a separate 9006 wire with the DRL bypass from afeudale (it's option 3) and an extra Electrolytic Polarized Capacitor (or EPC) rated at 25V with a rating of 2000uF or higher. Then, before the bypass, you connect your Angel Eyes. The wire should look like this... Key: F = Female Connector, M = Male Connector, D = DRL Bypass, A = Angel Eyes (OEM Plug)==M .... F==A==D====M .... F==(Bulb/HID) (Excuse the dots, but I can't use non-breaking spaces) Now, on the wire for the Angel Eyes themselves, before the mini ballast, you need to attach the EPC so the AE's get consistant power and won't flicker. The reason why you need the DRL bypass AFTER the AE's is so that your stock low beams don't turn on, but the AE's will at full strength. Please understand that this method will work, but just like the stock DRL function, you won't be able to turn it off... but then again, a Lancer with Angel Eyes? I'd show that off no matter what time of day it was! For your second question, you can use halogen bulbs in a projector housing. In fact, all of the new Toyota Camry's have projectors with halogen bulbs as well as many Mazda 3's and 6's. Hope this helps!
Heh, I've built up quite a rep on another forum... I just thought I'd broaden my horizons and share my knowledge.
thanks bro. good info.... now all we need is those AE made...and the baking recipe the crack them shells open...any updates on that??
wow nice, that's just the information I've been looking for.... dude ure a brain :wink: thanks for hookin us all up with that info... now we need a place where to get the AEs lol!
Happy to help man. Personally, I haven't tried baking the housings, but if it's one thing I've learned about baking anything (housings or pastries), it's the following formula: low heat + long time DOES NOT EQUAL high heat + short time. Nearly all headlight housings are made out of the same plastic materials. You should be able to bake them at 225°F for about 20 minutes. I remember one member from a Lancer forum (can't remember which) started at 175°F for his tail lights (so he could black them out, RalliArt style) and the glue didn't loosen up, so he went to 300°F for 8 minutes. What happens? The mounts where the screws that attach to the car melted and deformed. Fortunately, he was able to torch them back into shape. For headlights, you might not be so lucky. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE! Remember... you aren't baking cookies, you're only loosening up some glue. With that in mind, do NOT go over 250°F. This way, the housings won't get hot enough to melt or deform, but they will bake long enough to loosen the glue, but like pastries, check on them every 5 minutes or so. Just be careful when you open them up because you don't want to damage any pins or tabs that would normally hold the housing shut. If you do break something, the seal might not be 100% effective and you risk getting condensation in the housing once you start using the housing. You can refer to the YouTube video at the end of this post for full instructions from AAC. Lol, thanks! I haven't been able to get an exact diameter of the reflector rings where the AE's would sit, but any company that would normally sell the AE's can easily size them up to your needs. The Oracle Brand Halo Kit that is shown HERE will easily make them to the dimensions you need.
well, if all goes well, i may be taking the headlights off this weekend. in a few months or so I'm going to do a projector retrofit on the headlights, add some AE as the DRLs, and put those LEDs like you see on the new Audis. Haven't had much time cuz I've been bombarded with summer class work, working, and seeing my family cuz I get to see them once a week. If no one does this by the time I do it I'll post up a DIY on everything I listed above
hey need dimensions, and im willing to try and bake my headlights, hell if im succesful i might even do the tails and get you those as well...but i need till next week to do so cuz i need the car for the weekend and this week is all up for me...what do you say???