2 Q's... How do I keep track of the replys to my posts and.... how do i have a pic in my signature. Do i have to host the pic?
to answer your questions #1, -Go to "Your Account" under modules located on the left. -Click on "Your Info" -Check mark "Always notify me of replies" -done.... #2, -You can find a free image hosting website, such as www.imageshack.us -Enter the link in between these two tags in the signature box
Yea, you can also use the "watch this topic for replies" at the top left of every thread. That way you can pick and choose which ones you want to be notified of. Also, if you dont already know, there is this great button called "view posts since last visit" at the top right of the "Forums" screen. Just click Forums in the modules on the top left and then click the view last post button.