2008 vs 2009.. which to buy?

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by spydahman, Apr 12, 2008.

2008 GTS or 2009 GTS?

  1. 2008

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2009

    0 vote(s)
  1. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    Hi guys,

    I'm a little indecisive as to which Lancer GTS to buy. I'm from Canada. The only difference between the '08 vs '09 that I care about is the leather interior option. In my opinion, the leather in the '09 GTS is pretty damn nice! Aftermarket seat covers and things alike would not be as nice. I don't care so much about the engine (if I wanted a fast car, I'd buy a fast car). Whichever GTS model I choose, I'm going for the Sun/Sound or Sun/Sound/Leather package. Help me make a decision!
  2. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Leather is nice, but I will tell you, your ass sticks to it in the summer and its uber cold in the winter. (sure the car has front seat heaters but for anyone in the back or the 10 mins or so it takes for the seats to heat up... brrrrrr)

    So I would say it's really up to the individual person and their comfort levels. I personally am not a big fan of leather seats.
  3. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    I'm considering tints and a a Compustar 2-way alarm/remote starter. Tints to keep it cool and remote starter to keep it warm ;)

    But thanks for the input. Those are the kinds of things I didn't really think about. More suggestions, please!! Thanks!!!
  4. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    well i haven't heard of the leather package o_O i guess it's a canada thing? but here is my input which i have given everyone on my decision to go w/ the '09...

  5. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    I suppose the Leather option is a Canadian thing then.. maybe?

    Those prices/options above are for the States. But they give an idea of the comparison between the Canadian 08's vs 09's. Thanks!
  6. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Double posted... see below!
  7. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    My ex's Jetta had dark tinted windows, it didn't really help to cool it off inside much (guess it depends where you live) It can be 100 degrees here in Ontario in the summer, pretty much nothing is going to keep your leather from getting hot LOL.

    The remote starter is a good idea though! I dunno if it's just my car or what, but my seats can be on but won't heat up unless someone is sitting in them (safety feature?) but as long as you can get the heater going, it should be alright.

    Whatever choice you make, you'll LOVE the car! Lancers are hotness.
  8. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    Someone told me to not bother with the '09. Simply because if I'm going to be doing work (I might consider it), then there's almost really no point in getting the '09 - might as well get the '08.
  9. Deepside

    Deepside Member

    I haven't seen the 09 GTS.
    But all I know is that here in canada (quebec) GTS are really hard to get, so you ask one, they get you a faint version of a De 'upgraded' to GTS, not THAT much difference but ... that if you are lucky to get one with S&S. unless you want to wait 4 months for it.

    I'm personnaly better with my 08 because of the 2.0L engine, so when big power engine part will come out for the evo, they are probably gonna fit directly into mine, as for the 2.4 they will need to make new one, and to be honest I doubt you're gonna have has much choice.
    But that's just me.

    Also the 09 is pricier, but you get the leather with the S&S, again, I didn't seen the quality of it. (I had mine made at autoskins, paid 2000$ buck for the leather, but hell they looks nice !)

    So if you don't really care about performance upgrade in futur, and the 09 is good quality and don't wait 4 months for it go with it.

    But really take a look a the details, I'm pretty sure they're gonna offer you a boosted base model for the same price, that is not gonna be the same..
  10. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    wat do u mean? from the info i've gathered, all the '08 mods will work w/ the 4b12 engine... so there is NO difference if ur gonna mod ur GTS between teh '09 and '08, just that ur gonna have a better engine + extra things... so that someone is wrong imo :-\
  11. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    7 voted for the '08.. 7 for the'09. It's a 50/50 right now!! :x

    I've been visiting only one dealership this whole time. I'm going to spend some time checking out one more. There aren't too many in my area.
  12. Deepside

    Deepside Member

    Honestly, you better make a decision on YOUR opinion.
    I mean, you gonna spend a lot of money, don't take your decision only on an internet poll ;)
  13. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    ya ALWAYS try to to visit more then one dealership, and let each dealership know that you are looking around at more then one dealership =)
  14. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    Probably going to go with the '09.

    Always thought I was decided on the WW. But now I see at least 1 WW every day now!
  15. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    u should buy mine.
  16. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    u live too far :p... either way i'd like to work on my own car then buy a car already worked on :-\, no fun in that
  17. KRU

    KRU Well-Known Member

    hey hey dont kill 4 me buddy LOL!
  18. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    lol you guys are jokes. KRU, what car are you interested in getting next?

    I visited another dealership today and the guy gave me a wicked deal. Looks promissing. I'm THIS much closer to getting my car. Ye ye.
  19. spydahman

    spydahman Active Member

    Lots of people are voting '08. After careful thought and consideration, I might just go for it. '09 with bigger engine and leather interior.. so what? Sacrifices must be made :roll:
  20. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    a lot more then just that, read my thread -_- it's an overall better deal... and 09 is winning by one :p