04 Es Rear Brake Conversion

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Suspension' started by banditslancer, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. banditslancer

    banditslancer Member

    I am wondering, is there a possible way to leech of a rear brake set up to replace my lame rear drums? from what model, possible ballpark of how much to spend, and how much work? i mean if anyone has gone through this, how did it get gone? or am i going to have to go with RPM brake conversion kit? Help?! :bigsmurf:
  2. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    whats your reason for doin this?
  3. CS7A-7G

    CS7A-7G Well-Known Member

  4. banditslancer

    banditslancer Member

    thanks yo for responing, yea it hits about 700 through that website. as for the reason why am i going this, well i figured better braking in comparison to drums but honestly i don't know how much of a difference it would make tho. I mean, if braking wise it would be the same then, i would just keep the drums, and also in part for looks. but any idea if it would make braking a whole lot better or would i be about the same braking power? Thanks!
  5. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    see if you can find an R/A or Sportback. both have rear disc...
  6. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    ^+1 thats the safest way you can go...looking for a model with them already and taking those...call some junkyards maybe they could have a RA around...
  7. banditslancer

    banditslancer Member

    thanks for the response to everyone, so it would be best to find an R/A eh? hmm, i will do a lil more search, as far as if i need to replace lines, or need diff. brackets, i know the RPW its just the removal of the drum. well thanks everyone! if ya come across any more info or know someone who did it before, throw me line! lates
  8. stalrev

    stalrev Well-Known Member

    but if you grab the ra disk brake wont you have to change to 5 lug on the front as well or you would have to run different rims, the only reason i ask is i own a 06 OZ and a 06 Ralliart the ralli is 5 lug where the OZ's are 4 lug.. idk that is why i asked the question? or is it the earlier models 4 lug??
  9. ThunderOZ

    ThunderOZ Well-Known Member