Few pictures of the Lancer snowed in... Got about 50cm of snow last night... and these pictures were taken after the driveway was already done once.
Yeaaaaaaah. I'm glad I live in Louisiana sometimes. Your neighbors just didn't feel like shoveling theirs I guess. Lol.
Lol... It's fun to drive in tho. Especially if you own an Evo. Here are some pictures of my buddy Greg in his Evo MR a few weeks ago at winter Auto Slalom.
Do you guys have a shop or somethin in Chicago? or is it all web based? =P And we got some snow last night! lol like.. 2 inches
i wish we got tat much snow....we did get bout half a foot where im at tho...suck tat u dont have a garage tho
as for me in centreville VA, i had some fun before the cave in happened lol you probably can't tell, but it was about a foot and a couple inches of snow there and my car was buried under the snow.... T_T
Here ya go, my MR after the storm in Dec. This storm was worse by far. dont have pics tho. glad i've at least got overhead parking.