That's nothin.... lol We got like 3 feet of snow last year... But that's not as bad as Canada's had...
lol ya but thats the usual for u guys im in northern va and we haven't got this much for awhile i think the last huge snow storm was in '96...
The snowstorm yesterday was ridiculous...most snow in 20 years in December wtf haha! I was stuck at work, they refused to close us early until it was too damn late! I ended up having to sleep there!!!
right now cuz of the snow drifts im measuring anywhere between 1 to 2 feet of snow wtf. arent you supposed to get all the snow around here?
the snow was horrible...i was trapped in my house for two days because my neighboors decided it would be a good idea to shovel up all the snow from their houses and street onto my car's parking spot (behind my car so i couldnt back out) and on my door...way to go neighboors...
yo HUNK while i was down in the big easy (9th ward) over the summer i didnt mind the heat actually. i prefer it to the cold up here
Yeah, I remember you saying you came down here a while back for service work, correct? I just really dislike being cold.
My sister moved up to Minot, North Dakota from here. I don't know how the hell she's dealing with it. I can barely stand it being 50 degrees.