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A bit of sad news! (Pix Posted)

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by Nemo420, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. vivimatsuk

    vivimatsuk Well-Known Member

    wat the f*ck!! i hate stupid people that do this kinda shit. honestly, u put time and effort and sweat and money into ur car and some douchebags come along and ruin it all. im pissed off too bro. hope everything gets better tho man
  2. bambam

    bambam Well-Known Member

    man that really blows...man id be heart broken and proly kill the person. sorry man. best of luck.
    if u still wanna sell those sway bars pm me ur number and ill set it up.
  3. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    easy there v... if ya want head out to CA and hunt the fuckers down!
  4. CRAZY-LEGS-20

    CRAZY-LEGS-20 Well-Known Member

    Dam....that sucks....I would get mad az hell if I found out they strip my ride. I found a mean scratch on my car and I got pisted off just cuz of that...I think it would be better looking with the regular parts...I don't Want to change my hood or my trunk until after I but a security system around my car and on the car
  5. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    how crazy is this???
    $7,130.18 in damages done to my car!!!
    thats without counting the carbon fiber and misc. things that were stolen on the inside.
  6. total0wnage

    total0wnage Member

    holy crap, thats like half as much has a base DE, thats alot of money..
  7. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    i need some ideas on rims......what style rims would look good on my ride???
  8. Benchinapark

    Benchinapark Well-Known Member

    you should get some Rota's
    P45rs or some Grids!
    or maybe, something like Konig Runaways or if your big baller Volk RE30
  9. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    aight cool, im going to check those out.

  10. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    i just heard, Ray...that just fucking sux!!!!!
  11. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    yeah it does, i think i seen you driving down the main street the other day. you werent driving though, it was some silver eclipse though. any hook ups on rims?
  12. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    sorry ray!

    sorry pieces of shit. hate that crap. im sorry it happened to you. your car was looking clean as fuck too
  13. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    its all good, im over it now. my car is in the shop getting fixed already.
  14. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    How long will it be till you get it back?
  15. Sinestra

    Sinestra Well-Known Member

    havent been on in a while but man im sorry to see that happen to your ride.
  16. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    maybe a month or less
  17. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Still sucks to not have your car for so long. What are you driving till then? Did they catch em or anything?
  18. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    driving an old school camery and nope, didnt catch anyone. all i care about is my car getting fixed and dont really care how long it takes. ive been without my car for like 4 months once and then 3 months another time, then another month one other time, then another 3-4 months this past year, lol.....kinda used to it but i would love to have my car back so i can hit up some meets and shows.
  19. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Well, I hope everything goes smooth for you, and good luck with everything.
  20. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    thanx man