New York Meet

Discussion in 'East and Northeast Coast Owners Forum' started by chetman7, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    hey guys

    West coast has been meeting up and doing cool things. I haven't heard of anything in the East coast section.

    I wanna try to set up something/ anything. day at the track, so circuit racing.

    If anyone is intersted or has any ideas.. feel free to do so

    I'm in the Albany area for school, and in the NYC/ staten island area at home
  2. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    yooo lets do autoX :D
  3. jda1unv

    jda1unv Well-Known Member

    let me know ,if i am free i will show up
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Recognize bee-otches, j/k...on this side, the weather cooperates with us and a lot of people here are into cars. Good Luck with the meet.
  5. huff

    huff Well-Known Member

    im from ny, right outside queens in franklin square...
    so if whenever anything going down in this area im already there
  6. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Yeeaaahhhh NY rep!!! Giving you guys a boost to make it happen. :( I miss the NYC way.
  7. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    am down... just keep us post it.... any day... any time.... any place... (close.... LOL) :D :D :D
  8. huff

    huff Well-Known Member

    we really need to organize something guys !!!!!!!!!
  9. DJames

    DJames Member

    yeah that'd be cool. I'd deffinately be able to make it since I live in Pa.
  10. huff

    huff Well-Known Member

    lol whos knows when something around here is ever gonna happen LANCERS community is dead here ! haha
  11. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    hey every1 should come here alot of people down here on thursday night race nights like to talk shit bout lancers especialy mine would b cool to have a hole crew role up in here but yeah we out to english town everybody make a date a time AND LET IT BE KNOWN EAST COAST OR NY LANCERS COMIN OUT FORM THE SHADOWS oh yeah
  12. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    aww man, english town is pretty far from me, I dont think theres anyway I could go on a weeknight :(

    I used to go down there once a year to watch the funny cars run ... the guy I work with was into it and I went with him for about 4 years in a row.. hes a huge John Force fan, lol.

    First time I ever went, I walked up to the fence just in time to see a car catch fire right as it pasted by... after that I was hooked, lol. That same day he introduced me to nitro fumes... my eyes still burn just thinking about it, lol.

    but for me, it would be like 3 to 4 hours drive.. I live on the west end of CT... to far :(
  13. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    ahhh dude english town is like 3 and a half hors away from me i know how u feel lol but yeah weekend would b best i watched my cousin blow his engine 6 times over there already n know hes waitin 4 me to mod my lancer so he can run me but he is gonna scrap me but itll b for laughs and jokes so w/e u gota come to yonkers but all i know is we need to have a meet already...
  14. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Nice guys! Glad to c the activity.
  16. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    yeah man we need a meet already i feel like its a must lol
  17. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Do it already!!!!! We in Bro Cal want to see how its done in the east!!!! I am calling you guys out!!!!! (kinda like old school break dance battles, lol) Weekends are always good and gives you all enough time to plan for the afternoon. Once one meet happens everything else would be like "lets do another" I actually would like to see doing it east coasts style.

    TheGoderator has spoken. :twisted:
  18. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    lol callin u out cali guys come here lets go start the band wagon lol but nah definatly im tryin to be the spark to the flame her lol what more could i say lets do the damn thing christ
  19. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I would not mind the drive out there. I <3 the nycway. Have my peeps out there. Although I am not sure guys over here are willing to do that. We may have to meet in the middle like Texas.
  20. Wendy

    Wendy Well-Known Member

    Hey.... I'm down in south jersey but I'd be willing to drive a bit for a meet.. There's never anything goin on down my way.. I'm down for it.. I always go with my boyfriend to his suby meets..