Hi.. Im Thinking Of Puttin Lamboo Dors In My Car. But Does Anyone Know Of Some One that had done this.?? How Would It Look???
lol thats a guy from floridalancers.com's car. we give him tons of shit for them but he doesnt care, which is cool for him I guess. they were a pain in the ass and they fucked up his doors jambs, so dont do it.
I just think he should have spent a little more money on other parts, lambo doors wouldn't be my first choice for a first mod lol.
total waste. you have to adjust them at least twice a month...put spacers in your fenders...cut and lengthen your door wiring...and they are WAY overdone. I have installed quite a few of these kits (bolt-on and weld-on), and its just a lot of work for a look that isn't that great.
That scoop actually looks like it's part of the hood, not a fake one. I've seen the hood blacked out like that but the roof was blacked out too and the trunk. Looked good but this was on a GG not some weird blue one. His car looks well done but it just doesn't look good lol.
hey hey dont hurt the guys feelings because idk if he's on here. he did make the paint scheme look better however I dont agree with his style but no need for the flaming.
He needs to paint all the chrome on the front but even then it would look weird. And now that I see the hood scoop from that angle, I really don't like it lol. Sorry to be flaming him so much but if you're gunna mod your car, people are going to have opinions about it.