****Official Long Island Meet 2009****

Discussion in 'East and Northeast Coast Owners Forum' started by resolutionny7, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    This will be the Second Official Long Island Meet for Project Lancer and i want it to be big i want at least 20 people coming. We will be meeting up at walbaums in Rocky Point until everyone arrives then afterwards we will all be going to Phils house. Phils house will be vacant during the meet and hes being kind enough to allow us to use his house so we can BBQ, do installations, and for the long drivers stay at his house. We will also be taking TONS of photos and i mean tons of photos

    Meet Spot
    245 Route 25A
    Rocky Point, NY 11778

    Date and time
    Saturday July 18th is the official Meet day
    11 A.M.

    If you are coming from long distances and would like to come a Day in advanced aka Friday July 17th please contact Phil (vanquish87) Same goes for staying over night till July 19th then leave in the morning.

    -There will be a BBQ held which we will start organizing soon
    -There will be installations being done so if you need parts put on or wiring done ect we can do it
    -There will be tons of Photos taken at a few different locations
    -Oh and the Beach is only 5Minz away from Phils house so be ready

    Attending List
    1) Project Lancer (pl)
    2) Vanquish87 (pl)
    3) kelik429 (9gl)
    4) TMDB_onyx (pl)
    5) lauriquegts (PL)
    6) DVHopeful (pl)
    7) Josh08es (pl)
    8. ZeroCool (pl)
    9) Jrox (pl)
    10) *** Not Attending ***
    11) ricanlancer (pl)
    12) JDMhammer (lt)
    13) BtrflyQt85 (PL)
    14) LTdan (9gl)
    15) Novadreams (9gl)
    16) Customizemyevo (PL)
    17) 08SmurfEvoX (pl)
    18) srtlancer08 (9gl)
    19) WIREBLADE (9gl)
    20) jcal022 (9gl)
    21) horizonlancer314 (PL)
    22) steven08lancer (PL)
    23) HiggsRA (PL)
    24) MontrealGTS (Lt)
    25) TAKENOVER (PL)
    26) Rootrick (PL)
    27) 808 (PL)
    28) lancer628 (PL)

    BBQ List
    As we start getting people to attend we will start setting this up
  2. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    bump list has been updated hope to see a few of you there
  3. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    Bump list has been updated 20 so Far
  4. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    im thinking of coming just need solid date to confirm
  5. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    official date up Saturday July 18th at 11AM
  6. LTDan

    LTDan Well-Known Member

    montreal???? you gonna come all the way down from canada? SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET :-D haha (I think I may bring material for the custom door panels for you to help me out with!)
  7. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    its not 100% sure yet
  8. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    Bump 16 days to go i hope to see you all there now lets get some more in on this!
  9. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    bump... lets get more ppl from the north east!
  10. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    So far were looking at about 30 Lancers/Evos/Ralliarts Plus our local car club will be coming so add in about another 20+. So it will be a very fun day of course lancers will be the main scene
  11. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    hey man place me down as 50/50 cuz i have to take the ferry or its a 5h drive... w/ ferry 2 1/2
  12. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    Okay not a problem and tommarow is the day weather is going to be good only 10% chance of rain and just incase phil is setting up a tent in his back yard so the fun can continue its gunna be sunny and 80+ degrees so be ready for it. See you all tommarow morning!

    If you will be arriving later please give me a call and let me know so i can give you directions to phils actual house
  13. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    I am going to have to say a no go for me.. It would be 100 bucks for the ferry... Bit pricy
  14. vanquish87

    vanquish87 Well-Known Member

  15. resolutionny7

    resolutionny7 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all who came here are the pics


    Hanging Out

    Rear Shots


    Front Shots


    Edited Pictures


    HDR Shots


