So, here in Wisconsin it is against the law to not have a front license plate on your car. My 08 GTS does not have any holes in the front bumper and I am very hesitant to put any in it. Does anyone have any issues with the cops hassling them about front license plates? I don't know all the states where it is the law, but my other option is to pick up the RRM Evo Style plate holder for the front end. What do you guys think?
i dont even know if my state has that law but i didnt want to get pulled over and went back to the dealer to have it drilled in. i regret it, i loved it better without it. im doing what you plan on doing and getting a evo x license bracket. also for your info check out ebay for the bracket because it'll be much cheaper.
It's illegal to not have one here so my parents made me get one drilled in. It looks okay I guess because I've got a white car and the liscence plate is white... but if you've got your front blacked out I would definitely go with the side mount.
you could have place it in the lower grill like some people i see...people that have mazda 3s they place it in their lower grill...
I'm not sure it would fit. Plus that is pretty low and facing downwards so I'd be worried about cops saying they can't read it. Anyway the holes are there so the damage is done haha.
Check you local laws again before you proceed. Like here in Nevada, you are required to have a front plate, but only if the holes already exist. If they dont, you dont have to.
i used to have a japanese vanity plate before i wrecked my car, i used two heavy duty zip ties and attached it to my lower grill. It took about five minutes, didn't look bad all and was pretty durable. Also you said you were worried about it facing downward, but it is really pretty visible, i wish i would have taken a pic but i didn't
When I bought my car they came already drilled unfortunately. I am going to purchase an evo-bracket. However what is everyones opinion on what to do about the already existing holes? (and don't say patch it up and get it repainted) lol, Not happening.
I plan on buying the rrm cf bumper to replace it and the evo plate mount. guess that doesnt answer your question on the holes huh?
I think either patching or plugging are really you're only two options. Plugs would be easy but I'm not sure how great they'd look.
I just bought the front mounting plate and rear plate frame from RRM, $27.66 for ground shipping??? That's rediculus!
i live in ny and when i put my body kit on my old car i just put it on my dash and rolled around with it like that i got pulled over once for it not being on and that was at a checkpoint they gave me a ticket for like $70.