2008 lancer photoshoot #2

Discussion in 'Picture Gallery' started by BigSteve, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    Well you guys liked the last pics i posted of the photoshoot i had with me and my car.. these are pics of the 2nd shoot.. this time with a chick..





    here is my last post from the 1st photoshoot incase u missed it..

    http://lancertuners.com/modules.php?nam ... photoshoot
  2. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    You sure it's a photoshoot of your car? haha
  3. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    get a room. just kidding nice car.
  4. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    ^^^ 8O i thought it was a porn , lancers gone wild??? clean whip of course , but you got BAWLS puttin a girl on your car ive done it twice and BOTH times i got dents on it so FUCK that. lol never again
  5. Karan

    Karan Well-Known Member

    Heh Damn thats quite a unique photoshoot. Way to go man ;)
  6. DaytonaLancer

    DaytonaLancer Well-Known Member

    You do know that there is a photo gallery section right? I dont know why people keep posting photos in the "General Information" section.
  7. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    thanks for the love fellas.. i got a lot more on the way. ill add this this post over time..
  8. Bayurea

    Bayurea Well-Known Member

    is this lancertuners or ratemypicture?? lol nice i guess barely saw the car.
  9. mezzedupdream

    mezzedupdream Well-Known Member

    HAHAHA i just started crackin up when i saw that. Thank god for that sweater underneath haha, i have enough damage to my car :-/
  10. Firaso17

    Firaso17 Active Member

  11. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    Lol, I wasn't expecting that!