Sewer Rat and Friends:

Discussion in 'Members Progress Reports' started by geaux 4 breauxk, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    Normally I do two separate post for this but I am going to combine them here for efficiency. The first set is my car. The second set is "Me and my Homies"! Pics I take with my car and my friends cars. I just like the multi car shots!

    The run down: Painted interior trim metallic red. HID blue film from headlight armor on the headlights. 30% film on the tails and all reflectors and side markers. Flat black vinyl on the center front bumper, hood, roof, trunk, and wing recesses. Metallic red badges. Flat black grill surround. Red brake calipers. 20% tint all the way around with windshield banner. Evo X GSR wheels painted graphite on Falken Ziex 512s 235/40/18.

    Coming soon: Lowering springs or 32 way adjustable coil overs. Brake rotors, pads, lines, and fluid. Bolt ons In and Out. Painted engine bay parts. Leather wrapped dash. Evo X seats. CF wrapped trim items. Reupholstered rear seat. Leather door inserts and armrest. Leather shift boot to cover CVT shifter. Bracing package. Wingadectomy. Body molded lip spoiler and re-wrap the trunk. Front splitter. Rear lower diffuser. Possibly some un-obtrussive lip kit.

    Here are the pics! LMK what you think. I am looking for feed back on the car and my photography skills. Trying to get into it as an amateur. (NooB) If your in Vegas and wanna get some pics in my hawt spots, hit me up and Ill hook you up!












    And the rest with my friends SC400!









  2. bambam

    bambam Well-Known Member

    didnt you post the individuals before? but looks good
  3. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    In my introduction thread, but that's dead now and this thread is going to be dedicated to all my pics I take of my and other cars.


    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Looks nice but why did you paint you're roof and trunk black?
  5. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    Dude sweet photo shoot! And the whip is looking real nice, good job!
  6. Cousy14

    Cousy14 Well-Known Member

    hey the ride it lookin good, keep it up!
  7. dangerdan

    dangerdan Well-Known Member

    Your ride looks nice man!
    The place you guys shot is really nice!
    I'd be worried if the flood gates :roll:
  8. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    Nothings painted, its all flat black vinyl!

  9. yoshilancer

    yoshilancer Well-Known Member

    nice ride wish my lancer was in better condiction...
  10. Hydrolikz

    Hydrolikz Well-Known Member

    That's one clean sewer! Lol
  11. MonChi

    MonChi Well-Known Member

    dude thats hot nice out of no where spot looks awsome
  12. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys! New pics coming soon!

  13. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    wow. sick car and loving the pics. looks really good man
  14. vmo91

    vmo91 Well-Known Member

    any updates, on your interior

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    Sewer Rat...Thats sick...Nice job with everything. Pics look great, keep up the good work.
  16. geaux 4 breauxk

    geaux 4 breauxk Well-Known Member

    Repainted the interior to graphite. more pics in a few days. Checking into some fabric stores now, going to leather wrap the dash and doors probably, as well as the armrest. We will see. Ill keep you all posted!

  17. vmo91

    vmo91 Well-Known Member

    excited to see, gunna turn out awesome
  18. vivimatsuk

    vivimatsuk Well-Known Member

    really nice ride man!! really clean! love it
  19. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

    your gana wrap your dash in leather? hrmm interesting i wana see
  20. stevenhyde

    stevenhyde Active Member

    i like the color lol