Potential 2009 RA Owner

Discussion in 'New Member Check In!' started by spyder8213, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. spyder8213

    spyder8213 New Member

    Hello everyone. My name is Mike and I currently own a 2007 Eclipse. I'm deployed to Iraq for the third time and am considering trading in for an 09 RA when I get back. The Eclipse is great, but I have a family now and need the room. Plus I like how the RA comes turbo'ed from the factory. My Eclipse was supposed to get a custom turbo built as R&D, but the company jacked up the price and I refuse to pay what they wanted for R&D. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be happier with the RA in the end. I'm here to learn as much as I can about the Lancer platform and contribue what I can/learn along the way. Here's a few pics of my Eclipse.



  2. LancerRA09

    LancerRA09 Well-Known Member

    Idk man, that eclipse looks pretty sick, I'd prolly go for the turbo on it =]
  3. spyder8213

    spyder8213 New Member

    It was tough, but they want 8G's for a R&D project that should only cost half as much. Plus I have to consider the family needs. The backseat is so small in the eclipse. We are about to move to Colorado Springs so I like the AWD with road type controls on the RA. I'm gonna test drive a few before I make my final decision.
  4. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    damn that eclipse looks sick. best of luck with the RA
  5. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    Welcome to LT. Great looking clipse man...keep us updated.
  6. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    Sweet eclipse man but go with the RA.

    I had a 07 silver one before my GTS and i like th GTS sooooo much better and u will love the RA more lol
  7. LancerRA09

    LancerRA09 Well-Known Member

    Well ya thats true. The RA will give you the family car with a little kick in the pants. =]
  8. Shadows

    Shadows Well-Known Member

    Nice !!!! Welcome to LT