random downshift on CVT???

Discussion in '8G Lancer - General Information' started by l_lancer1, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    Ok guys an gals so i drive a 08 es cvt an when ive been on the expressway ya know i have to cut it loose a bit, an yesterday was the second time but i will be drivin it an ill be doin about 90-100mph an the rpms will just go down an the gas pedal will feel like its not working for a second but then it will come back. this has only happened twice, but anyone got an idea whats going on? like i said it only happens when im on the expressway. an ive pushed my car past 110 before so its not like it isnt used to it.
  2. Pickasso

    Pickasso Well-Known Member

    could it be the electronic limiter ? making some bad decisions ? :))
  3. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

    ^ ya sounds like a limiter thing... it doesn't do it when your goin the speed limit right?
  4. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    naw, but what i dont get is ive been on the express way before an it never happens just yesterday i went to pass someone an like gunned it got it from 75-85 then passed em an right as i passed em it just left off but then came back. i dont like it :(
  5. Greell

    Greell Active Member

    hmmm never had that happen before on my CVT ES, and I can get it up to about 120 - 125.
  6. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    well its only been twice, but hasnt happened lately.

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    Never had that problem before.
  8. dangerdan

    dangerdan Well-Known Member

    I haven't had it with my CVT, thus far and I've pushed mine to 130km....

    GODZILLA Well-Known Member

    same thing happened to me i floor it when going around 80 and for alittle second the pedal feels like it stops working and the rpm's drop. so i let off the gas and it'll start working again. also happened to me twice b4...
  10. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    hm maybe its just what the beav said about the limiter.
  11. Homie

    Homie Well-Known Member

    I've got an 08 CVT and I've had it at 125 with the RPM's as high as they'd go and this has never happened to me. I'm sure since are CVT's are fairly new concept that there are a few models out there that have problems. I used to work in the auto manufacturing industry, if it looks good, send it, if it looks okay, send it, and if it looks shitty and Mitsubishi needs parts, send it......You can always worry about a part sort or recall later...lol!

    GODZILLA Well-Known Member

    ya its not the governer/limiter because it happens at around 90 when i've been up over 90mph