This is sick! A paramedic and I cant even afford new wheels without saving for months... is this really how screwed up this countries priorties are? A valet making huge bank over a paramedic? No offense! Just a bit frustrating... schooling, constant re-education, stress... and for what? A boat load of bills, ulcers, bad credit, and rocky marriages. I guess i really did get into this field for the sense of satisfaction. Damn i'm dumber than i thought!!! hahaha
Its cool man... that post really was more of a joke than anything. I love what i do and wouldn't want to do anything else. But in response... i am married, i have no kids, and in my field we really dont get paid what are services are worth. That being said... need any part time help? HAHAHAHAHA
Looks sexy, want them too, but they don´t ship to Austria. At my dealer one of this seats is about 3000$. Dam shit!