Installation questions

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by mbrz, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. mbrz

    mbrz Member

    Hey guys, I'm mostly a lurker, not much of a poster.

    So, I have an 08 lancer es and i wanna make it look sportier. What I'm thinking is getting the gts side sills/skirts, the front extensions, and the spoiler. But I'm kinda worried about the installation process. I have no experience whatsoever with car customization. Well actually I just got the ralliart tails and that was an easy enough install thanks to a "How to" i found around here. I wanna know, is it an easy install that anyone could do? If so, could you explain how it's done? Or should i just go to some shop and have them do it. What I'm concerned about is if I'd have to drill holes. I know my dad has a drill in the garage but I've never touched it in my life. The last thing i want is to mess up and have a car riddled with holes :? Oh, and if it matters im getting the parts from, they seem to have fair prices.

    Any help appreciated
  2. The Beav

    The Beav Well-Known Member

  3. mbrz

    mbrz Member

    Here I thought i could skip formalities....jk, i'll get right to it. :arrow:
  4. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

    ok well i personally feel for pain, i instaled the spoiler myself and for the front add ons and side skirt with the help of my friend jake, looks great it looks scary when you see the instructions but the front skirts, all the markings are on the back of the bumper the side skirts are a little harder but nothing to hard
  5. l_lancer1

    l_lancer1 Well-Known Member

    i just got my extensions from xfactor, an they came with instructions. if you need them i can send them to you over PM. or if anything, if you know someone at a shop, take it there an see if they can install them for you for cheap, thats what im doing! haha
  6. mbrz

    mbrz Member

    hmm..ok i think i get the idea. I think I'll try'n install the skirts myself and have the spoiler done at a shop, cuz i just know i'll get that one crooked haha. Ok thanks for the replies guys :D
  7. nickbutterz

    nickbutterz Well-Known Member

  8. mbrz

    mbrz Member

    ooohhh so that's what x-factor is....neato! cheap prices and installation guides with pics! just what i needed! Thanks a bunch!
  9. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

    um for the spiler i do belive if you open the truck there are to things on each side and that is where you drill, they look like holes that were started you know hwat im saying
  10. mbrz

    mbrz Member

    cool..i did not see that 8O . you know, i think i might just install it all myself then. thanks again guys
  11. leeminho86

    leeminho86 Well-Known Member

    When and where are you ordering your parts from? Let us know how it turns out!
  12. mbrz

    mbrz Member

    hmmm...most likely x-factor...though i'm not sure if they're located in the US...if they arent im hoping the shipping charge wont be ridiculously high, and if they are high, i might just go with But it'll be awhile before i actually make this decision as money doesnt come easy for this poor college boy :p Hopefully within the year though; i'll keep updated 8)
  13. leeminho86

    leeminho86 Well-Known Member

    Haha I can definitely relate. Well if I get mine before yours I'll keep you posted as well :D
  14. mbrz

    mbrz Member

    good deal :)