Help cant keep interior clean

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by Mitsubishilancergts, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. I have a 09 gts, and i have put 200 miles on it, and i already have a few scatchs on the inside already, And also i cant keep my seats clean. How do you guys put up how easy the seats get scuffy and collect hair?
  2. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Get a lint roller and keep it in the glove box. Thats what I use to keep the hair/lint down to a minimum on the seats.
  3. spiderman671

    spiderman671 Guest

    I actually do the same thing Serious does... keep a lint roller in the car. And if it helps, do what I do... I don't let anyone drink or eat in the car, seriously. Not even myself.
  4. jmir14

    jmir14 New Member

    This works really good I have 2 dogs and the hair get everywhere in car but this thing is awesome it picks up everything...check it out ...its only 5 bucks.
  5. Patrickmann

    Patrickmann Well-Known Member

    That actually looks like a really good idea. I'll have to pick one of those up. =)
  6. dive_junkie

    dive_junkie Well-Known Member

    Yes definitely something to check out.